News You Can Use

A weekly round-up of the industry’s top stories and research curated by the ARF.

Ad Fraud Remains Unsolved Problem

A new study finds that ad fraud continues to be a major issue. Attempts to curtail it have faced major obstacles. New Media Ratings Council (MRC) guidelines try to help.

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Young Consumers Keep Changing

Winning new customers sometimes demands letting go of your assumptions about consumer behavior. Case in point: teenage boys who love fragrance brands. Read more »

Values & Viewing

We know that political views impact choices for news sources – such as a viewer’s preferred news network – but little is known about the relevance of political views, values and attitudes for viewing entertainment programs.

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The Value of “Other” Media

Given the current focus on social media and streaming services as advertising vehicles, it is worth paying attention to studies that remind us of the value of radio and Out-Of-Home (OOH). 

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