News You Can Use

A weekly round-up of the industry’s top stories and research curated by the ARF.

The Value of “Other” Media

Given the current focus on social media and streaming services as advertising vehicles, it is worth paying attention to studies that remind us of the value of radio and Out-Of-Home (OOH). 

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Not All Boycotts are Equal

A Harvard Business Review paper points to a number of reasons why the Bud Light boycott was more effective than most. The researchers suggest steps companies can take to avoid such boycotts while emphasizing the unique circumstances of this particular situation.  

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Research to Improve AI

Yes, AI is a great tool for marketers. But how can we avoid the “AI Conundrum” – taking advantage of its strengths while avoiding its errors and risks?    

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AI at a CPG Company

Colgate-Palmolive reveals how AI helps them achieve key objectives and improve processes. They  provided insights into the use of AI in marketing at AUDIENCExSCIENCE as well as MSI’s Summit 2024.

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