Targets & Segments

Influencer Partners a Must for Branded ASMR Content


How can brand managers maximize their engagement with tingle-inducing ASMR videos? A new study, recently published in the Journal of Advertising Research, offers evidence that brands risk being perceived as “inauthentic intruders” when advertising within ASMR communities. They should instead consider collaborating with ASMR influencers, especially those who are highly visible and/or terrific at building emotional connections with viewers.

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This is When Diversity in TV Ads Drives Purchase Intent

Promoting diversity through creative content is the right thing to do and can be highly beneficial for brands if done correctly. It’s important for the context to be in sync with the changing context of public opinion. The study featured in this latest MSI white paper, found that Black actors’ share of ads can increase purchase intent, but only when the ads were processed peripherally. If the ad’s aim was to increase the public’s attention to inequality, this could actually inhibit the effect.

Targeting Aids Consumers at Different Stages of their Purchase Journey

  • MSI

Although firms invest much in targeted advertising, little is known about when it is most effective. A new Marketing Science Institute (MSI) working paper now shows that such advertising helps facilitate the purchase journey along different stages. While targeting on social media is found effective for consumers during the early stages of that journey, retargeting is best served for consumers who are closer along the line to making that purchase. Another important finding was that cross-platform targeting does not motivate consumers who are unfamiliar with the product or brand.

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An Experiment in Understanding Kids Cross-Platform Consumption

  • Katie Artemas and Nicole Tramontano
  • Star Com; Turner

It used to be that kids say the darndest things. But in today’s cross-platform media world, are kids watching the darndest things? Well they’re certainly using every device possible to watch whatever they wish. A CIMM committee sponsored this study with TiVo and RealityMine, and learned that kids consume it all – live TV, time-shifted TV, tablets, and smartphones.

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How Comedy Central Increased MultiCultural Millennials Metrics

  • Comedy Central

This submission to the Ogilvy Awards explains the research among Multicultural Millennials that led to the resurgence of the Comedy Central program, Key & Peele, in its fourth season. The findings from their three different studies resulted in new marketing approaches, such as partnerships with Hip-Hop fans, and led to increases in awareness, audience, ratings and social media activity.

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Plurals and Millennials in a Cross-Platform Universe

  • Mark Loughney
  • Turner Broadcasting System

Plurals, the population born after 1996, differ from Millennials in multiple ways, e.g., they demand more choice and explore tech more readily and impatiently. As a result, marketers need to understand implications, such as recognizing that developmental abilities among age groups within Plurals affects device usage and their need for social currency rises with age.

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