wearin & wearout

  • Article

KAH: Television Advertising Wearout

TV advertising wearout has bedeviled marketers for decades. At what point does a TV ad lose its potency? Or the reverse – how much media weight is needed before a TV ad starts to wear in and impact the business? This Knowledge at Hand summary synthesizes the latest insights on the wearout/wearin conundrum, recognizing that the TRP tipping point will vary depending on the product category or industry vertical. But key to remember is that while individual commercials may fade, a strong advertising strategy rarely loses its luster. Access the KAH

  • Format: White Paper, March 2018
  • Source: The ARF

Television Advertising Wearout


TV advertising wearout has bedeviled marketers for decades. When does a TV ad lose its potency – or, conversely, when does it start to impact business? This Knowledge at Hand summary synthesizes the latest insights on the wearout/wearin conundrum, recognizing differences by product category or industry vertical.

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Brand Building and TV

  • Frank Findley – Executive Director & Chief Advisor, MMAP Center, MASB Kelly Johnson – VP, Advertising & Marketing Intelligence, ESPN

Has TV advertising retained its long-standing power? Although some aspects of TV’s ability to produce results remain, the selling power per GRP has diminished. This effect has been lessened by TV household growth. A new measure, PRPs, has been found to be highly predictive of sales.

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