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AI Dos and Don’ts

News You Can Use will feature a series on AI prepared by the ARF’s research team entitled, “AI Dos and Don’ts.” In the first report, the team has discovered a few don’ts. 

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2023 Attribution & Analytics Accelerator

The Attribution & Analytics Accelerator returned for its eighth year as the only event focused exclusively on attribution, marketing mix models, in-market testing and the science of marketing performance measurement. The boldest and brightest minds took the stage to share their latest innovations and case studies. Modelers, marketers, researchers and data scientists gathered in NYC to quicken the pace of innovation, fortify the science and galvanize the industry toward best practices and improved solutions. Content is available to event attendees and ARF members.

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Stephen DiMarco (Tubular Labs) moderated this discussion on the second day of the conference with the anchor commentators who shared their perspectives on what they heard and what it means.

Prior Attentive Ad Exposures Increase Ad Attention

Tristan Webster and Kenneth Wilbur showcased their most recent collaborative work examining attention and frequency in advertising: the impact of multiple exposures on people’s attention to TV ads. They applied CTV data which TVision has collected natively in the field to provide insight into the long-examined question, “Is there an optimal frequency for TV ads?”, but more granularly: “What is happening in the media environment while viewers see ads, and how does that affect their attention?”

Modeling Short and Long-Term Effects in the Consumer Purchase Journey

Peter Cain of Marketscience covered shortcomings of marketing mix modeling (MMM). It is hampered by the endogeneity problem (selection bias) in things like online media. MMM is also only a short-term approach. The standard long-term method accompanying MMM is also flawed and ignores the time-series properties of the data.

  • Article

Understanding the Relationship Between Creative Attention and Media Performance

Realeyes and TVision presented an analysis of the relationship between pre-test measures of “creative attention” (from Realeyes) and in-market attention to television advertising (from TVision). Realeyes’ “Quality Score” has three components: an ad’s ability to capture visual attention, its ability to retain attention and its ability to encode attention. Their overall quality scores were strongly correlated with TVision’s Creative Attention Scores for Consumer Tech Ads, moderately correlated for CPG ads, and weakly correlated for streaming entertainment ads. The environment in which an ad is shown plays a major role in the degree to which viewers pay attention to an ad, particularly for low-performing creative. The speakers showed an example of a video ad with relatively low attention quality, as measured by Realeyes, which nonetheless had relatively high Creative Attention in-market due to running in environments with high viewability and high attention.

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How Early Social-Media Release Helps Super Bowl Ads

  • Jennifer Lee Burton (University of Tampa), Kristen M. Mueller (Accent Your Style Boutique), Jan Gollins (Delta Modeling Group), and Danielle M. Walls (BDJ Solutions)

Advertisers often debate whether to air their Super Bowl ads early on social media. This study’s moment-by-moment analysis of consumers’ emotions while they viewed the ads—and their related social-media behavior—shows that the benefits extend not just in-game but afterward, with more favorable attitudes and purchase intentions.

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