“The capacity of television to satisfy a marketer’s goals is going to be even more diminished going forward,” said Brian Wieser of GroupM in discussing how the TV business has changed since the first episode of Law & Order in 1990.
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NYCU: CTAM’s 2022 Priorities

The Cable Television Administration and Marketing Society (CTAM) has issued a list of their priorities for this year. The list includes — not surprisingly — customer retention and acquisition, but also “content theft.” 
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NYCU: The ARF Universe Study of Device and Account Sharing (ARF DASH)

The ARF has completed a rigorous, single-source enumeration study whose purpose is to produce unbiased measures for assigning digital devices, streaming and e-commerce accounts to individuals and households. This includes cross-platform usage, co-viewing patterns, device and account sharing, as well as assigning different devices to the same household. The multimodal study generates a holistic view of capability and usage across digital devices and media, which is useful for estimating universes and addressing biases and gaps in census level data.
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Big Data and Converging TV — What Role Can Deterministic Panels Play in Unlocking Opportunity? (Event Summary)


Return Path Data. Set Top Box Data. Millions of Consumer Devices. Server Logs. In an era where big data is being tapped for decision making, and each source has a limited and often unrepresentative view, what is the role of a representative panel? What will and should panels look like in the future? After all, TV is converging with digital, the rise of CTV has ushered in content and marketing opportunities for businesses, and consumers have decision-making power unlike ever before. At this ARF Insights Studio, industry leaders Jane Clarke (CIMM), Pete Doe (Xandr), Mainak Mazumdar (Nielsen) and Paul Donato (ARF), discussed where single source panels may fit in the media measurement landscape of the future and how they can work alongside big data to benefit both.

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