Trends and Prognoses

Given the ongoing geopolitical and economic uncertainties as well as technological and cultural changes, which trends will continue in 2023 and what new trends will emerge? Here is a summary of reports from Dentsu and other sources.

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Media Trends

How media use and the media business will develop is one of the most frequently discussed topics. Here are some of the key issues from 2022 – which continue to be a focus of both research and speculation: Read more »

TV Deconstructed: Latest Findings from DASH

The ARF Universe Study of Device and Account Sharing (DASH) is a nationally projectable enumeration study of consumer behavior in TV and digital media. DASH records in granular detail how US households connect to and consume TV, use digital devices, and interact with and share streaming media and ecommerce accounts. Launched in 2021, this syndicated study is designed to serve as an industry standard truth set for insight and data calibration. The report just released by the ARF highlights findings from the first wave of DASH 2022. Data and findings from the full 2022 data set will be available in January 2023.

Attribution & Analytics Accelerator 2022

The boldest and brightest minds joined us November 14 - 17 for Attribution & Analytics Accelerator 2022—the only event focused exclusively on attribution, marketing mix models, in-market testing and the science of marketing performance measurement. Experts led discussions to answer some of the industry’s most pressing questions and shared new innovations that can bring growth to your organization.

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What About Brand Safety?

A major new study by Meta examined the impact of ad adjacency to risky content. The study concluded that there is “minimal-to-no association for content adjacent to ads regardless of risk severity of the content”.

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Demystifying Data Cleanrooms: A Marketer’s Handbook

The ARF Cross-Platform Measurement Council has put out a practical handbook to help marketers and media operators gain a full understanding of data cleanrooms. It explains how cleanroom vendors provide clients and their partners with such a service, which links first-party data across two or more companies on a record level in a secure and privacy-compliant fashion. Interest in cleanrooms has been increasing because the disappearance of third-party cookies is on the horizon. The handbook not only demystifies cleanrooms, but it also includes use cases for insights, audience activation and measurement, and offers practical advice on questions to ask data cleanroom providers.

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