teams & talent

The Only Number that Matters to CEOs

Proving the value of marketing means showing that the investment is paying off in faster business growth. The only number a CEO cares to hear is the incremental growth rate attributable to marketing. The rest is mumbo jumbo.

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Can Virtual Communication Curb Creativity?

A study tried to assess the impact of working from home and the use of videoconferencing on generating creative ideas. The researchers concluded that videoconferencing interferes with idea generation.  
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Strategies for Managing Internal and External Relationships


On April 7, the Women in Analytics Group held a mentoring meet-up about strategies for managing internal and external relationships. Ramla Jarrar, Founder & CEO of Mass Analytics and Therese Glennon, VP at Bristol Myers Squibb, shared best practices for building and maintaining relationships in-person and remotely. After the mini talks, each speaker met with half of the attendees and then switched groups to meet with the other half of the attendees.

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How You Can Get Involved with ARF WIDE

ARF WIDE is working to create pathways for talented college students with an interest in research and insights who come with lived experiences and perspectives not currently well-represented in the industry. Our goal is to help build a diverse talent pipeline that represents today’s consumer, filled with those who understand varying cultural backgrounds and are able to connect with them through their own experiences and ultimately be more effective at generating new research insights and outcomes. Read more »

Mentoring Meet-up — Three Leaders, Three Stories (Event Summary)


At our first ARF Women in Analytics Mentoring Meet-Up of the year, we heard from three industry trailblazers on the “what”, “why” and “how” of their careers. Colleen Funkey of The Estée Lauder Companies, Gloria Cox of The Cambridge Group and Renata Policicio of WarnerMedia reflected on their unique journeys and shared the steps they took and lessons they learned. From what inspired them to originally go into market research to how they now navigate their careers at a senior level, speakers gave attendees advice on what they can do to ensure their careers are satisfying and successful. Attendees also participated in small breakout groups with the speakers to connect, ask questions and share their own personal reflections.

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