
Leading the Next Frontier of Media Disruption

Scott introduced Marc Pritchard to the ARF stage with a discussion about the most important marketing and advertising measurement challenges in the industry and Procter & Gamble’s priorities in approaching solutions. While the perpetual fragmentation of the media ecosystem is complicating accurate measurement across platforms, advertisers still have the same simple questions, according to Marc. The consumer is the center of it all – how many people are advertisers reaching, how often are they reaching them, and how effective and efficient is the advertising itself?


Helen Katz (Publicis Media) moderated this track discussion for Television Disrupted. She asked the speakers about practical, actionable takeaways for TV advertisers as well as emerging trends and opportunities.

Assessing the Potential of Addressable Linear TV Advertising

Traditional linear TV places the same ads in the same shows (“program targeting”). Addressable TV can place different ads in the same show, allowing “audience-based” targeting at the household (HH) level. To determine the incremental lift achieved by audience-based targeting, we need to measure outcomes at the individual (HH) level. This allows us to run what/if scenarios with the models to determine optimal targeting. The researchers analyzed second-by-second viewing data from a panel with 750,000 HHs, tracking exposure to focal and competitor ads. The fact that advertisers tend to mainly target consumers already likely to buy creates potential endogeneity. The analyses controlled for this and three other factors: heterogeneity in ad avoidance; activity bias; and seasonality and other trends. During the observed 15-month period, there was a 4.1% conversion for those HHs in the market for the focal offer.

Surprise! Consumers Like Ads that Mock Them

  • Journal of Advertising Research

Will an ad that makes fun of the very consumers it targets offend or appeal to them? So-called “audience-targeted negative advertisements” (ATNAs) are the subject of new research that examines ATNAs through the lens of empathy. It also tests their effectiveness for promoting low- and high-status products.

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Conversations with Great Minds: Great Mind Awards 2022

Conversations with Great Minds gathered two of the 2022 Great Mind Award winners, Martin Renaud, winner of the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Award, and Dr. Duane Varan, winner of the Erwin Ephron Demystification Award, for one-on-one interviews that profile their individual approaches to effective research in advertising.

Leading with Inclusive Insights

On November 1, 2022, the ARF Cultural Effectiveness Council hosted a discussion on ways that brands have gained an edge by focusing their insights and subsequent marketing on traditionally under-represented communities.  Speakers from General Mills, Vevo, and muliti-cultural agency Alma shed light on the kinds of research they find helpful in uncovering valuable inclusive insights and the potential rewards of this strategy.  They cited examples of those insights and discussed the societal trends that underlie them. The session was moderated by Council Co-Chair Janelle James of Ipsos.


This live panel featured the presenters from the New Methods to Validate Audience Estimates track, with moderator Megan Margraff of Oracle following up on key points involving alternate data currencies, data harmonization and normalization, fragmentation challenges and advanced targeting in TV and CPG.

Bridging the Gap Between Linear and Digital Measurement

Integrating linear TV in cross-platform measurement was a challenge undertaken in a partnership between Lucid and Samba TV utilizing ACR (automatic content recognition) and STB (set-top box) data matched to survey responses. Stephanie Gall (Lucid) and Karen Biedermann (Samba) shared details on the inherent problems, potential solutions and biggest learnings from this integration.

Leveraging Purchase Signals to Drive Growth

Sharing their cross-channel campaign evaluation using IRI’s household lift studies, Lisa Mulyk and Liz Ryan from IRI illustrated the strengths of purchased-based data and targeting across brand portfolios. Creative messaging and sales for “must have” and “nice to have” products were examined, comparing the broader affinity, lifestyle and demo audience against the more specific purchase-based audience.

Enabling Alternative TV Measurement for Buyers and Sellers

Pete Doe (Xandr) and Caroline Horner (605) provided a case study of their partnership that derived results from alternative currency measurement with buy and sell side perspectives. Xandr’s nimble workflow method enabled 605’s shift from advanced targeting to a very specific, custom-built, “persuadable” target audience with a range between 2 to 10x increase in outcomes.