purchase consideration

Targeting Aids Consumers at Different Stages of their Purchase Journey

  • MSI

Although firms invest much in targeted advertising, little is known about when it is most effective. A new Marketing Science Institute (MSI) working paper now shows that such advertising helps facilitate the purchase journey along different stages. While targeting on social media is found effective for consumers during the early stages of that journey, retargeting is best served for consumers who are closer along the line to making that purchase. Another important finding was that cross-platform targeting does not motivate consumers who are unfamiliar with the product or brand.

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Navigating the Evolving Media Landscape

  • OTT 2023

The media landscape continues to evolve, arguably at a faster rate than ever. Leading media and measurement experts presented research-based insights on how viewers use different forms of TV/video on various platforms. Attendees joined us at the Warner Bros. Discovery Studios in California and via livestream to understand the latest data and discussions of the data’s implications.

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Ad-Spend Cues, Deepfakes/A.I., Badass Endorsers and Influencer KPIs

At this Insights Studio, authors from three different continents showcase their recently published work—including the JAR Best Paper 2022 on how advertising expenditures drive consumers’ perceptions of ad and brand quality. Also featured are studies on deepfakes and AI reshaping the advertising industry, the success of using product endorsers who are actors known for roles portraying despicable characters, and KPI patterns of social media influencers across several platforms. Talking points in the concluding Q&A span the future of AI in advertising and influencer marketing, machine-driven decisions for choosing endorsers, and factors (product- and economic-related) affecting consumer perceptions of quality in TV ads and engagement in user-generated content.

This is When Diversity in TV Ads Drives Purchase Intent

Promoting diversity through creative content is the right thing to do and can be highly beneficial for brands if done correctly. It’s important for the context to be in sync with the changing context of public opinion. The study featured in this latest MSI white paper, found that Black actors’ share of ads can increase purchase intent, but only when the ads were processed peripherally. If the ad’s aim was to increase the public’s attention to inequality, this could actually inhibit the effect.

Ad-Spend Cues, Deepfakes/A.I., Badass Endorsers and Influencer KPIs

  • JAR Insights Studio

At this Insights Studio, authors from three different continents showcase their recently published work—including the JAR Best Paper 2022 on how advertising expenditures drive consumers’ perceptions of ad and brand quality. Also featured are studies on deepfakes and AI reshaping the advertising industry, the success of using product endorsers who are actors known for roles portraying despicable characters, and KPI patterns of social media influencers across several platforms. Talking points in the concluding Q&A span the future of AI in advertising and influencer marketing, machine-driven decisions for choosing endorsers, and factors (product- and economic-related) affecting consumer perceptions of quality in TV ads and engagement in user-generated content.

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Audience Trends for Products With Supply Constraints

IRI’s Michael Tscherwinski addressed the challenges marketers are facing due to supply-constraints and provided a best-practices playbook for unlocking opportunities. IRI’s 2022 outlook on product availability predicts continued challenges. Inflation, supply chain issues, as well as the war in the Ukraine, impact the operations of CPG companies. Category out-of-stock conditions are widespread, and many CPGs are pausing media. However, Procter & Gamble, one of the largest advertisers in the world, stated that it would continue to invest in marketing.

Connected Television: Engaging Consumers with Enhanced Ad Formats

Tony Marlow of LG Ad solutions examined the effect of CTV on viewers and marketers looking to connect with audiences in a meaningful way, particularly with the advent of challenges presented by second-screen viewing. In addition to second-screen viewing, advertisers have also been stymied by new privacy regulations reducing the efficacy of targeting. In his presentation, Tony remarked on the rapid change in viewership from cable TV, subscription TV and ad-supported TV. Tony explored enhanced ads leveraged through CTV by presenting several pieces of “thought leadership research” which indicated the impact these ads have on engagement between advertisers and consumers. The research exemplified how enhanced ads can connect with consumers via CTV through their devices, to make the act of second-screening more productive by bringing devices and television ads together. Enhanced ads were demonstrated through the inclusion of QR codes, local extension, weather-driven and dynamic in nature (i.e., countdown to a game, etc.).

How Do Consumers Respond to Gender-based Pricing?

  • MSI

Markets are growing increasingly transparent. While one of the easiest ways to segment customers is by gender, pricing differences based on this factor are becoming more apparent and harder to justify. Women perceive such pricing discrimination for comparable product as unfair. This reduces purchase intent and their liking of and appreciation for the brand, while men tend to rationalize such differences as justified by product attributes (e.g., dry cleaning a “blouse” versus a “dress shirt”).

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Here is When Promotions Work for High-Involvement Products

  • MSI

Promotions should be crafted toward the shopper’s mindset to be most effective and enhance the shopping experience. For routine purchases of low-involvement product categories, shoppers are often in a “deliberative mindset,” and so they respond well to general promotions. Brands in high involvement categories, however, must engage shoppers in an “implemental mindset.” To be effective, promotions must be equally focused and specific.

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