MMM (marketing and media mix)

  • Article

Attention Everywhere

The NBA tested an attention metric for digital media ad placements developed by Adelaide–called the AU–to increase tune-in to the NBA Finals and to improve its brand metrics. They leveraged the AUs of their CTV and digital placements to optimize a large campaign across CTV, digital, social, and OOH with over two billion video impressions. They also used the AUs, which they obtain in near real-time, to adjust those placements in-flight. They found that AUs lifted their KPIs and will incorporate them into their media mix models. Adelaide is also working with TVision to get AUs for linear television by daypart and genre. Their tune-in data was provided by SambaTV.

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Strategies for Managing Internal and External Relationships


On April 7, the Women in Analytics Group held a mentoring meet-up about strategies for managing internal and external relationships. Ramla Jarrar, Founder & CEO of Mass Analytics and Therese Glennon, VP at Bristol Myers Squibb, shared best practices for building and maintaining relationships in-person and remotely. After the mini talks, each speaker met with half of the attendees and then switched groups to meet with the other half of the attendees.

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Consumer Behavioral Shifts: Why Your Marketing Measurement Must Adapt in 2022 and Beyond (Event Summary)

  • Insights Studio

Consumer behaviors have changed dramatically creating new challenges for brands and their marketing measurement. During this Insights Studio, we explored the measurement challenges brands have faced in the wake of significant consumer changes. We also discussed best practices brands should be using to ensure their marketing measurement is set up for future success as consumers continue to react to major societal change. Executives from OptiMine, an agile marketing analytics provider, Kepler, a global digital agency, and Beachbody, an innovative health and fitness company, shared their observations on how changes in consumer shopping and media consumption behaviors have been reflected in marketing measurement.

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How to Manage Content Across Platforms


Outside of premium video, a different set of attributes are required according to the platform. Individual talent needs to speak differently on Twitter versus Facebook versus Instagram. At the ARF session at Advertising Week New York 2021, Radha Subramanyam, Ph.D., President and Chief Research and Analytics Officer at CBS Corporation, shared how she and her team use data to inform what works best on a variety of platforms. Radha was interviewed by Brian Steinberg, Sr. TV Editor at Variety.

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Unified Measurement Showcase (Event Summary)

  • Alice K. Sylvester

The ARF’s Cross-Platform Measurement Council Attribution Working Group, chaired by Helen Katz of Publicis, issued invitations to many marketing mix and attribution modelers to share blinded case studies involving unified measurement. The goal was to see unified measurement in action, to see the scope of the analyses and the business results associated with the tool. The Cross-Platform group reviewed submissions and selected six companies to present their case studies. Editor’s Note: The full report is available to members only.

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The Retentive Impact of Mass & Digital Advertising

Charlie Hinton – Executive Director, Marketing Analytics, AT&T Mobility

Gregory Pharo – Director, Marketing and Research, AT&T Mobility

This study used marketing mix modeling techniques to measure the impact of each major media channel in reducing customer churn. New data sets such as product/service quality, customer care, and other customer information were incorporated into the model.

Results suggest that:

  • While quality of products and services was the most significant churn tactic, media also has a retentive impact.
  • TV, digital media, and direct marketing are critical.
  • Significantly, ad quality matters more for customer retention than it does for driving sales.


See all 5 Cups articles.