media buying & selling

An Economic Analysis of TV Advertising Profitability

Professor Anna Tuchman of Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management presented an economic analysis of the effectiveness of a major portion of the U.S. linear television advertising spend, worth $66B in 2019. The study, conducted with Bradley Shapiro and Günter Hitsch of the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, investigated the elasticity of actual sales for 288 distinct CPG brands on the basis of brand-specific ad spend as captured by Nielsen store and household panels along with Nielsen Ad Intel data. They used log-log regression and flexible machine learning algorithms. Their goal is to help firms evaluate ad campaign effectiveness with the hope their measurement will help make better ad spend decisions.


This panel discussion closed out the first day of the conference, highlighting the anchor commentators’ key takeaways from the day’s sessions.

The Future of Media

The last year-and-a-half has presented the media industry with a number of unique challenges when it comes to measuring how content is being consumed across platforms. In this one-on-one conversation, Comscore’s Bill Livek joins the ARF’s Scott McDonald to discuss how today’s viewership behaviors have signaled the need for a more modern cross-screen measurement approach and outline the fundamental changes necessary to effectively transact on media today and into the future.

How is the Coronavirus Impacting the Global Advertising Industry?

The ARF’s second Virtual Town Hall, How is the Coronavirus Impacting the Global Advertising Industry?, focused on the recent coronavirus outbreak and how to best plan and recover from a recession market. Huge parts of the U.S. economy have shut down. From restaurants to gyms to hotel chains, workers are being hit hard as layoffs snowball daily. The advertising industry is feeling the shock as advertising budgets dry up due to postponed launches and canceled sporting, entertainment and business events.


This live panel featured the presenters from the New Methods to Validate Audience Estimates track, with moderator Megan Margraff of Oracle following up on key points involving alternate data currencies, data harmonization and normalization, fragmentation challenges and advanced targeting in TV and CPG.

The Cross-Platform Measurement Shift: Content to Ad Exposure

Bob Ivins of TVSquared by Innovid, presented a discussion on the shift to cross-platform measurement in television viewing. In this presentation, the speaker examined the changes in consumer behavior in television viewership, challenges presented in metrics stemming from audience fragmentation, new platforms and new currencies in metrics. Additionally, the speaker gave key metric areas to consider in the era of converged TV.


Julia Johnston (Comscore) moderated the closing remarks with panelists Edwin Wong (Vox Media), Josh Chasin (VideoAmp), and Cole Strain (Samba TV). The group offered differing perspectives on the panels presented on day two of AUDIENCExSCIENCE 2022. Some topics of discussion included effective ad length and appropriate platforms, quality of measurement, the industry’s openness to new standards and the emerging team approach to problem-solving.

Managing the Transition to a Multi-Currency Market

These panelists agreed that, as Lizzy Daly (Comscore) put it, “the era of the single currency is over.” Both the buy side and the sell side, the panelists felt, accepted the advent of multiple trading currencies for television. This year, they concurred, will be a year of testing and evaluation of multiple currencies. They believe that the marketplace will be “healthier” (as Misha Williams of FreeWheel put it) with multiple players, which will foster innovation.

What is the Value of Time in Advertising?

This panel built on research and discussions at two ARF Town Halls about the quality of ad impressions on different platforms. Two issues were highlighted: measurement challenges and assessing the value of time spent with and of attention to advertising.