effectiveness & ROI

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What Lift & ROI Measurement Products Exist Today?

Relevant key performance indicators (KPIs) have become increasingly important over the last decade for evaluating the impact of marketing and media spending. Today, numerous companies offer products that measure “ROI” and “lift,” But, for many, it is difficult to differentiate them. This prompted the Online-Offline Metrics Working Group of the ARF’s Cross-Platform Measurement Council to create: The Guide to Lift and ROI Measurement Products. This comprehensive report highlights the product offerings of 27 companies in the space. Read more »

What Lift & ROI Measurement Products Exist Today?

  • ARF Cross-Platform Measurement Council

Relevant key performance indicators (KPIs) have become increasingly important over the last decade for evaluating the impact of marketing and media spending. Today, numerous companies offer products that measure “ROI” and “lift,” But, for many, it is difficult to differentiate them. This prompted the Online-Offline Metrics Working Group of the ARF’s Cross-Platform Measurement Council to create: The Guide to Lift and ROI Measurement Products. This comprehensive report highlights the product offerings of 27 companies in the space.

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What Drives Global Sponsorship Costs?

  • Jonathan A. Jensen and Benjamin Albano, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Joe B. Cobbs, Northern Kentucky University, and B. Tyler, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Until 2020, sponsorship expenditures by brand marketers were soaring, but COVID-19 changed the equation. Nevertheless, a new study conducted prior to the pandemic— analyzing multiple years of prices paid for sponsorships of Formula One racing teams—fills a gap in the body of research that otherwise focused on sponsorship returns but neglected the related investment.

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NYCU: AUDIENCExSCIENCE 2020 – Keynotes & Interviews on Today’s Most Challenging Issues

AudienceXScience: Keynote – Collecting Data During a Global Pandemic (Monday – 9/21/20)

With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, the US Census Bureau’s leadership had to think outside the box. Learn how the agency modified its work, all while maintaining operations, releasing data products and continuing to serve the data-user community during this unprecedented time.

Dr. Ron Jarmin – Deputy Director and COO, U.S. Census Bureau
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