digital video

NYCU: YouTube Addresses Misinformation

YouTube has provided a new overview of its evolving efforts to combat the spread of misinformation via YouTube clips, which sheds some light on the challenges that the platform faces, and how it’s considering its options in managing these concerns.
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What is the Value of Time in Advertising? (Part I: How Value is Created)


Fairly measuring the quality of an ad impression is challenging, and it differs across platforms. In this first part of a two-part discussion, about ad time duration, a panel of researchers explored whether or not ad time duration provides a signal to advertisers of the value of an ad impression. Different platforms have different strengths, and understanding the logistics of a platform is one key aspect in understanding how viewers will interact with an ad. Aside from the length of time an ad is viewed, and what platform it is viewed on, creative implications can also play a role in garnering up viewer enthusiasm and interest, during key moments of an ad. This ARF Town hall examined three studies regarding different aspects of ad time duration. Studies were presented by the ARF’s Chief Research Officer Paul Donato, Meta's Ads Research Lead of Marketing Science Sophie Macintyre, and TVision's SVP of Product, Data & Analytics Tristan Webster. These studies were presented in efforts to understand the similarities and differences regarding measurement across a variety of platforms on the value of time. In closing, challenges and opportunities for each platform were discussed by the panel, led by Cesar Brea of Bain & Company.

Big Data and Converging TV — What Role Can Deterministic Panels Play in Unlocking Opportunity? (Event Summary)


Return Path Data. Set Top Box Data. Millions of Consumer Devices. Server Logs. In an era where big data is being tapped for decision making, and each source has a limited and often unrepresentative view, what is the role of a representative panel? What will and should panels look like in the future? After all, TV is converging with digital, the rise of CTV has ushered in content and marketing opportunities for businesses, and consumers have decision-making power unlike ever before. At this ARF Insights Studio, industry leaders Jane Clarke (CIMM), Pete Doe (Xandr), Mainak Mazumdar (Nielsen) and Paul Donato (ARF), discussed where single source panels may fit in the media measurement landscape of the future and how they can work alongside big data to benefit both.

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