data analytics

The State of Cross-Platform Metrics: The Advertiser’s Perspective

  • Cross-Platform Council Working Group

Metrics for planning, buying and evaluating buys have been in great flux, especially over the last five years. New channels have emerged, some have changed, and a multiplicity of data sources have sprouted up. To gain a better understanding of the way advertisers are navigating this complex landscape, the Online-Offline Working Group of the ARF Cross-Platform Measurement Council interviewed representatives from major advertisers and put out a report about what they learned. This report provides the advertising industry with a glimpse into how major marketers are approaching audience measurement in all the different environments.

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Quote of the Week

“The clock is ticking. In September 2024, the currency we’ve all used for decades is going to disappear. That means no more year-over-year comps. Sorry, no more media mix models based on outdated TV metrics that are simple, siloed counting and was yesterday’s consumers.” Read more »

Covid-19 Impact by Category: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis

  • MSI

Lockdowns and other widespread Covid-19 disruptions caused significant changes in buyer behaviors. For instance, it was a major catalyst in shifting buying behavior from in-store to online. With the pandemic receding, how can we know which trends may persist and for which categories, and which might drop off? Since all consumers were affected, no untreated experiment control group exists. However, one strategy could prove fruitful, age-period-cohort (APC) analyses. APCs offer an alternative way to analyze changes in consumer behavior before and after the pandemic.

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What Does AI Mean for Advertising Research?


We’ve all heard about the growing use of artificial intelligence in advertising research and doom and gloom predictions that it will knock out jobs, but is this really the case? Agency leaders joined us for an ARF Town Hall to discuss the upsides and possible downsides of generative AI, as well as how they’re utilizing it in their businesses to boost efficiency. Attendees heard predictions on how AI will change the business model of advertising and what it could mean for media agencies.

Better Attribution Research

This year’s Attribution & Analytics Accelerator event again focused on the science of marketing performance measurement. Experts presented and discussed insights from attribution studies, how to use marketing mix models, experiments and in-market testing, as well as new developments such as AI.   Read more »

MSI 2022-24 Research Priorities

The Marketing Science Institute (a division of the ARF) has issued its research priorities for the next two years. Research that addresses change and disruptions tops the list. Read more »