data analytics

NYCU: AUDIENCExSCIENCE 2020 – Keynotes & Interviews on Today’s Most Challenging Issues

AudienceXScience: Keynote – Collecting Data During a Global Pandemic (Monday – 9/21/20)

With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, the US Census Bureau’s leadership had to think outside the box. Learn how the agency modified its work, all while maintaining operations, releasing data products and continuing to serve the data-user community during this unprecedented time.

Dr. Ron Jarmin – Deputy Director and COO, U.S. Census Bureau
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Attitudes Towards Privacy (Event Summary)


This Town Hall presented work by W2O related to privacy and COVID-19 contact tracing apps, as well as findings from an April 2020 privacy survey conducted by the ARF that included several questions about COVID-19 and its impact on how people feel about privacy, geo-location and trust. This session featured presentations by Dan Linton, Global Data Privacy Officer of W2O, and Paul Donato, Chief Research Officer of the ARF. Editor’s Note: The full summary is available to members only.

Member Only Access

The State of Insights and Data Analytics Disciplines Today (Event Summary)


In 2019, the ARF Analytics Council undertook its first benchmark survey on the operations of research and analytics departments to develop a baseline understanding of the state of the insights and data analytics discipline within the industry today. The survey explored the way in which technology and the advent of new sources of data have transformed the way we work. This Insights Studio presented survey findings and shed light on where the field stands. Editor’s Note: The full summary is available to members only.

Member Only Access

Conducting Research During (and After) the COVID-19 Crisis (Event Summary)


All three of the companies represented in the session conduct continuous market research and monitor how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected recent respondent behavior, introduced biases or required wholesale changes in data collection methods. For the most part, they reported sufficient continuity providing reassurance that market research has remained resilient and continues to provide insights for marketer decision making. Editor’s Note: The full report is available to members only.

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