data analytics

NYCU: Better TV Measurement and New Currencies

CIMM (The Coalition for Innovative Media Measurement) held its 11th Converged TV Measurement and Data Summit on February 16 and 17, 2022. The Summit brought together marketers, media agencies, media companies and vendors to discuss solutions for converged TV measurement, including the emergence of multiple currencies.
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Are Marketers Using the Right Metrics?

  • MSI

Which is more efficient when it comes to advantageous decision outcomes, marketing-mix metrics or financial metrics? Researchers in this award-winning MSI working paper investigated this question, basing their research on a behavioral framework and statistical model. On average, according to their sample, marketing-mix metrics are more effective than financial. Even so, managers seem more eager to use financial metrics, possibly, because they are easier to understand across the organization.

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Consumer Behavioral Shifts: Why Your Marketing Measurement Must Adapt in 2022 and Beyond (Event Summary)

  • Insights Studio

Consumer behaviors have changed dramatically creating new challenges for brands and their marketing measurement. During this Insights Studio, we explored the measurement challenges brands have faced in the wake of significant consumer changes. We also discussed best practices brands should be using to ensure their marketing measurement is set up for future success as consumers continue to react to major societal change. Executives from OptiMine, an agile marketing analytics provider, Kepler, a global digital agency, and Beachbody, an innovative health and fitness company, shared their observations on how changes in consumer shopping and media consumption behaviors have been reflected in marketing measurement.

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The Price of Privacy May Depend on the Method of Payment

  • MSI

Is offering “free” goods, such as useful search results or access to content, in exchange for personal data a good deal for the consumer? We have norms for the monetary value of labor, but when it comes to the value of private, digital data, the value is less clear. In this study, researchers wanted to assess consumer expectations for compensation in exchange for personal data. Would they equate monetary compensation at the same value as bartered “goods”?

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