CTV (connected TV)

Insights on Advertising

The recent ARF OTT 2023 conference covered, among many other things, advertising opportunities in the new media environment. Here are two examples: first a summary of the variety of ad formats available now. Second, insights on the role of ad/product placements.

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Navigating the Evolving Media Landscape

  • OTT 2023

The media landscape continues to evolve, arguably at a faster rate than ever. Leading media and measurement experts presented research-based insights on how viewers use different forms of TV/video on various platforms. Attendees joined us at the Warner Bros. Discovery Studios in California and via livestream to understand the latest data and discussions of the data’s implications.

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Too Many TV Choices?

“Choice Paralysis” is a well-established concept that describes consumers’ confusion and hesitancy in making choices when there are too many options. Is this an issue for viewers of streaming services?  

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While You Were Away…

The end of August and Labor Day weekend are vacation periods for many in our industries. Here are news items you may have missed while you were away. Read more »

How Technology Impacts Media Use

We sometimes overlook the profound impact of technology on media use. New data show how smart TV technology continues to impact how consumers access content.  Read more »

ARF, JAR and CIMM News

The ARF released a report on cause-related messaging. JAR research investigates brand safety issues and CIMM announces research into the future role of panels for TV and cross-platform measurement.

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Measurement & Currency Priorities

In a presentation on today’s measurement challenges, Jon Watts, CIMM’s Managing Director, called for industry collaboration to improve OTA and Local measurement. Read more »

Prior Attentive Ad Exposures Increase Ad Attention

Tristan Webster and Kenneth Wilbur showcased their most recent collaborative work examining attention and frequency in advertising: the impact of multiple exposures on people’s attention to TV ads. They applied CTV data which TVision has collected natively in the field to provide insight into the long-examined question, “Is there an optimal frequency for TV ads?”, but more granularly: “What is happening in the media environment while viewers see ads, and how does that affect their attention?”