
How to Calculate Reach and Frequency Using Virtual IDs (VIDs)

Current existing methods used to calculate reach and frequency of a campaign or media schedule are known to have deficiencies in measuring cross-device ad exposure. Restrictions to protect digital privacy complicate cross-platform exposure measurement even further. Multiple global research organizations have turned to a concept known as “virtual people,” to overcome these limitations in order to produce aggregate reach and frequency estimates. This report by the ARF Analytics Council provides a foundational overview of VIDs for a broad audience, providing ARF members with a stronger understanding of this vital topic.

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Unlocking Monetization via Data Standardization

Sean Wilkinson of Conviva outlined findings from their latest State of Streaming report (released Q2 2022). A lot of non-CTV activity is occurring, like TV casting from connected devices, which equates to missed opportunities.  Still, the use of connected devices is going down and the trend is people buying and relying on smart TVs. Monetization in DTC relies on good data. With it, streaming providers can determine things like customer lifetime value, ARPU and subscriber retention rate. As such, he stressed the importance of standardizing measurement and audience resolution.

TV Deconstructed: Latest Findings from DASH

The ARF Universe Study of Device and Account Sharing (DASH) is a nationally projectable enumeration study of consumer behavior in TV and digital media. DASH records in granular detail how US households connect to and consume TV, use digital devices, and interact with and share streaming media and ecommerce accounts. Launched in 2021, this syndicated study is designed to serve as an industry standard truth set for insight and data calibration. The report just released by the ARF highlights findings from the first wave of DASH 2022. Data and findings from the full 2022 data set will be available in January 2023.