ad spend

Choosing Music for Ads: Does a Premium Source Matter?

  • M. Anglada-Tort, Technische Univ. Berlin; S. Keller, Pandora; J. Steffens, Düsseldorf Univ. of Applied Sciences; D. Müllensiefen, Goldsmiths Univ. of London

Does music in advertising need to come from an expensive source, like a popular performance artist, to make an impact? A European academic-practitioner research team, including a Pandora executive, studied the evaluation process for choosing music in ads, by comparing how professionals and consumers judged the sourcing of music. The differential can potentially prove costly for brands.

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NYCU: Targeting Without Cookies

The disappearance of third-party cookies will have a major impact on marketing. In the July 17th NYCU, the ARF’s Paul Donato explained the impact on attribution.  Here are excerpts from an article in Digiday on the implications for targeting.   Read more »

What Short Commercials Can and Can’t Deliver

  • Duane Varan (MediaScience) and Magda Nenycz-Thiel, Rachel Kennedy, and Steven Bellman (all at Ehrenberg-Bass Institute)

Short ads of six to seven seconds or less on television can provide an efficient option compared with longer, more expensive commercials. But there are limits to what they can deliver, particularly in a cluttered environment. This study offers guidance on how, when and where to use short ads.

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