Current Issue Summary
March 2023 (Vol. 63, Issue 1)
Editor’s Desk
Introducing 2023 JAR Research Priorities: An Industry-Informed List of Advertising Topics Where Research Is Needed Most
Along with his quarterly summary of articles in the current edition, Editor-in-Chief Colin Campbell announces the first annual JAR Research Priorities list. Campbell developed the list by consulting existing data from ARF member surveys and ARF and WARC research studies, and by reaching out directly to advertising professionals from different areas of the industry. The goal, Campbell writes is: “to further bridge the gap between academia and industry, prompting researchers to address advertisers’ most pressing needs and challenges.” The list of 11 topics includes attention, A.I. and machine learning, navigating privacy, and personalization. In closing, Campbell makes his annual acknowledgment thanking behind-the-scenes ad-hoc reviewers for “giving freely of their time and effort to balance out the reviewing burden for our regular (editorial) board members.”