Current Issue Summary
June 2021 (Vol. 61, Issue 2)
Editor’s Desk
How Cutting-Edge Research on Advertising and Branding Builds Customer Engagement
For more than 60 years, the JAR has “tapped into the freshest and most practical resources to present cutting-edge, in-the-moment research,” writes Editor-in-Chief John Ford. That body of knowledge “has reflected not only the theoretical evolutionary advancement of knowledge but also has addressed the thorny problems advertising professionals face daily.” Indeed, the eight articles in this edition contribute to building consumer engagement in both theory and practice, ranging across a wide variety of topics, from research on artificial intelligence and live, shoppable ads, to native advertising and direct-to-consumer messaging formats. Summing up the June issue, Ford details four of the studies on sponsorship investments, the use of virtual reality in advertising, the effectiveness of giveaways, and endorser strategies that use either cute or mature-looking characters.
Read the full article here.