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The boldest and brightest minds joined us for Attribution & Analytics Accelerator 2022—the only event focused exclusively on attribution, marketing mix models, in-market testing and the science of marketing performance measurement. Experts led discussions to answer some of the industry’s most pressing questions and shared new innovations that can bring growth to your organization.

2022 Agenda Highlights

This year’s agenda featured four themes over four days.

Monday, November 14
Reengineered Experiments: Finding Their Place in Performance Analytics

Tuesday, November 15
Tales From the Far-End of the Cutting Edge: AI and Beyond
AAA Reception

Wednesday, November 16
The Renaissance in Marketing Mix Modeling: Meeting New Expectations

Thursday, November 17
Attribution Forced to Pivot:
How Marketers Are Meeting Challenges and Finding Opportunities

Featured Speakers

Jennifer PeelleVP Brand Marketing
Traci Will, Speaker
Traci WillVP of Analytics
Jeff Doud, Speaker
Jeff DoudHead of Advanced Analytics and Modeling
Ocean Spray Cranberries
Hong Zou, Speaker
Hong ZouLead Marketing Data Science
Sameer Kothari, Speaker
Sameer KothariGlobal Media Measurement and Real Time Optimization Director
Caroline Iurillo, Speaker
Caroline IurilloSenior Data Scientist



  • Analytic Partners
  • iSpot
  • Nielsen
  • Snap