Authors’ bios:
Leen De Schaepdrijver ( is a doctoral researcher in marketing at Vlerick Business School, Ghent, Belgium, and a member of the department of marketing, innovation and organization at Ghent University. Her research specialty is on the potential value of contextual data types, such as web browsing data for television advertising.
Philippe Baecke ( is an associate professor at Vlerick Business School (Ghent) and adjunct lecturer at Trinity Business School (Dublin) with a strong interest in data analytics. Through his research, Baecke creatively incorporates new data types, such as geographical, social-network and browsing data, while assisting companies with their data-and-analytics strategies and projects. He also specializes in research on advertising targeting and measurement. Baecke’s work can be found in the Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, and other peer-reviewed journals.
Koen Tackx ( is a professor in strategic marketing at Vlerick Business School. His work focuses on how companies create customer value, while capturing value in a sustainable manner. He has published in the European Management Journal and is co-author of Customer Innovation with Marion Debruyne (Kogan Page, 2019). Tackx strives to help companies improve their scenario thinking, customer centricity, pricing capabilities, and the implementation of sustainable business models. Prior to academia, he spent more than 20 years working in telecommunications, energy, real estate and B2B services.