Past Event Highlights

Modern Leadership: New Skills for a New Era (Event Summary)


At this ARF Women in Analytics, Alexandra Samuel, co-author of Remote, Inc.: How to Thrive at Work…Wherever You Are, drew on her extensive remote work research and experience to share how to build an organizational model and culture that enables employees to shift between lively collaboration and focused solo work. Industry leaders also discussed their leadership principles and how they have adjusted their management styles to match the new work reality. Attendees were given the opportunity to comment on what they heard and share their experiences.

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Forecasting Post-Pandemic Business Recovery


At ARF’s DATAxSCIENCE 2021, experts in forecasting and scenario planning presented the latest research and insights on understanding which changes in consumer behavior and attitudes will help shape the post-pandemic recovery. They also shared examples of different research methods and models to tap into these signals. Enjoy this recap of our DATAxSCIENCE 2021 event. Key takeaways, the full event video, and presentations are available for ARF members: If you are interested in becoming a corporate member, please contact LOGIN TO ACCESS

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How Researchers Can Learn from Recent Political Polling Challenges (Event Summary)

  • LA Council

This event was suggested by the ARF’s LA Media Research Council in the aftermath of the poor performance of last November’s election polls.  Council members felt that the discussions about polling could impact trust in consumer and media research and that we should explore what research suppliers are doing to implement Best Practices. Research Quality has always been a key issue for the ARF. Most recently, an ARF event about the November polls found that while some issues are unique to political polling, many impact all survey research, for example, obtaining representative samples while response rates are declining, validity of responses, and predicting behavior and attitude trends.

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Marketing Measurement in the Pandemic Era–Navigating to Success (Event Summary)


At this ARF Insights Studio, OptiMine provided attendees with real-world findings and success stories from large brands. Matt Voda, CEO, and Dr. Robert Cooley, Ph.D., CTO & Chief Data Scientist, detailed how they’ve navigated rapid budget adjustments, huge channel shifts, optimal timing of spend changes and outlined how to remain invested in marketing during budget pressure. Insights on key pitfalls to avoid, techniques to exploit and how to adapt during what is likely to be a very bumpy “recovery” were also shared.  Note: The full summary is available to members only.

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