Creative & Branded Content

ARF ORIGINAL RESEARCH - How Ad Creative Can Benefit from Context Effects

  • Duane Varan; Horace Stripp; Steve Bellman - THE ARF ORIGINAL RESEARCH
  • Media Science; The ARF; Ehrenberg-Bass

Yes, context does matter in how advertising communicates, according to neuroscience studies conducted as part of the ARF’s “How Advertising Works” project. In examining the impact of humorous, fear-inducing, and sentimental programs, the studies yielded surprising and valuable findings such as this: sentimental ads may benefit from context alignment, boosting both memory and ad liking.

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The Story Behind the Development of Viewabililty Standards

  • David Gunzerath, Media Rating Council, Inc.

How long is long enough for a digital ad to be considered “viewable” by consumers? David Gunzerath of the Media Rating Council’s overview of digital ad viewability, given at the ARF’s Leadership Lab in the fall of 2015, explains how the MRC developed its minimum standard of 50% of pixels on screen for at least one second for display ads and two seconds on screen for video ads.

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Best Practices for Social Ad Engagement

  • Twitter & AceMetrix

Catching consumers’ attention on social media can be a challenge. Scrolls and swipes can be so fast. How can advertisers get consumers to watch their ad to the end? Twitter and AceMetrix paired up to develop best practices on what keeps a consumer’s attention to the end of the ad, e.g., using strong visuals.

Neuroscience Behind Better Creative

  • Carl Marci, M.D. – Chief Neuroscientist, Nielsen Consumer Neuroscience; David F. Poltrack – CRO, CBS Corporation; President, CBS VISION; ARF Board Chair; Leslie Wood – CRO, Nielsen Catalina Solutions

Great creative can drive a 15x lift in incremental sales over ineffective creative, according to this study from CBS, Nielsen Catalina Solutions, and Nielsen Consumer Neuroscience. But how do you know what great creative is before it goes on air? This study shows how a combination of neuroscience tools can help identify what makes creative great.

How Consumers Emotionally Process Green Advertising

  • Myriam Martínez-Fiestas, María Isabel Viedma del Jesus, Juan Sánchez-Fernández, Francisco J. Montoro-Rios

How do consumers emotionally process and react to messaging intended to prompt responsible behavior toward the environment? This JAR paper sought to answer that question and found that positive messages emphasizing the benefits of environmentally responsible behavior (as opposed to those focused on the negative) are more likely to achieve positive results.

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How Facial Expressions Can Predict Ad Sharing

  • Daniel McDuff, Microsoft Research; Jonah Berger, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania -- JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING RESEARCH

Why do some ads get shared more than others on social media? This study used facial coding algorithms to quantify the facial expressions of thousands of individuals in response to video ads. The findings help advertisers predict how different emotions influence sharing, and provide a deeper understanding of the complexities between emotion and transmission.

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