Nielsen-Backed Study Finds Higher Ad Recall for Shows Viewed On TV Vs. Other Screens – via MediaPost (source: Nielsen, for the CRE)

The study was commissioned by the Council for Research Excellence (CRE) which is comprised of Nielsen clients who utilize funds allocated by Nielsen to conduct independent research. Hub Entertainment Research was selected to execute the work.

Hub conducted a 15-minute post-viewing online survey with nearly 2,000 respondents. The results showed that 62% were able to recall half or more of the advertisers on a conventional TV set, compared with 47% for tablets, 46% for smartphones and 45% for computers.

Using a 10-point scale to measure “attentiveness”, 29% rated TV in the “8-10” range, vs. 23% for smartphones, 20% for computers and 17% for tablets.

The findings suggest that the experiential differences are due to two primary factors — the size of the screen that consumers were watching, and the role multitasking plays when watching TV content on each platform.

Access full article from Mediapost

Original Research – “Evolution of TV: Measuring TV and Video Across All Screens” – Google

This presentation will discuss the difference between metrics that describe how many people see a commercial and how many times they saw it, compared with measures of actual ad impact.

Google predicts that this evolution will include census data and programmatic ad buying, which will deliver new capabilities that will be very welcome by marketers.

This evolution will also require trust and transparency as well as cooperation among a broad spectrum of players in the advertising ecosystem.

For more information visit Audience Measurement

Original Research — “Family Co-Viewing & Ad Impact in a Multiscreen World” – Turner, OmnicomMediaGroup, Nielsen Neuroscience

How has the introduction of multiple screens impacted co-viewing between parents and their children?

The three companies partnered to identify opportunities for engagement in co-viewing households, as well as best practices to engage with advertising when second screen devices are available.

Among the elements the research addressed were:

  • How is engagement affected by interaction with the second screen vs. first screen only?
  • How does the second screen impact commercial viewing?
  • Are there differences in engagement levels when using different multiple screens?
  • What conversations occur between a child and an adult concerning the programming and advertising content they are co-viewing?

For more information visit Audience Measurement.


Conference Paper – “The Economics of Attention: TV Ads That Trigger Sales” – Harvard/Tvision

Television commercials have always needed to capture the audience’s attention before communicating their message. Sometimes the TV is turned on in people’s homes as background noise, e.g., “the second screen” while our smartphones have become “the primary screen.” How should advertisers and their agencies adapt to this growing concern and create TV commercials that work when consumers are looking at the TV but not focusing on the brand message, or are not looking at the TV, or worse, aren’t even in the room?

The presenters will reveal findings on what ads get people to pay attention to the TV screen in 2015. And how they are fundamentally different from successful ads of 5 years ago.

From Broadcasting&Cable – “comScore Sends Clients First Cross-Platform Ratings”

The company said the ratings are based on fully integrated panel and census-based data sets and span linear TV, time-shifted TV, video-on-demand and digital viewing.

The ratings data goes back to the Fall of 2015 and is based on 37 million TVs for linear viewing, 117 million TVs for VOD and digital data.

“People are consuming content in smaller and smaller slices, and our clients want to know every opportunity they have to reach those individuals regardless of where, when and how they’re watching,” said Caroline Horner, SVP at comScore.

Both comScore and Nielsen have promised to produce syndicated cross-platform measurement products this year.

“It’s great to see the newly merged comScore move rapidly in this direction, and I look forward to seeing their preliminary data,” said Colleen Fahey Rush, EVP and chief research officer at Viacom.


Evaluating TV Effectiveness

Olga Casabona – Senior Director, Client Insights, Turner

Isaac Weber – VP, Strategy, MarketShare

Ad dollars are shifting from TV to online due to the latter’s perceived higher efficiency. But TV’s problem isn’t effectiveness, it’s measurement. The research aimed to help marketers better understand media effectiveness, in order to maximize sales and ROI.

Media mix models from over 500 brands were analyzed, including actual market observations. A holistic model encompassing paid, owned, earned, controllable and non-controllable was developed that measures direct and indirect impacts on media. Key findings are as follows:

  • Even with the explosion of digital media, “TV remains the most effective advertising medium representing the highest impact on sales.” TV was also found to drive the largest indirect impact through organic search and web activity.
  • “Media mix matters. Optimizing TV spend with high-frequency consumer interaction data translates into significant increases in sales.
  • Premium content also matters. Premium TV online video significantly outperforms other publishers’ video content.” Despite the lower amount of impressions, premium content drives higher ROI.

Implications for marketers:

  • “Consider the strength of TV’s effectiveness across categories.”
  • “Leverage TV’s synergistic impact on other marketing vehicles.”
  • “Recognize the “need for consistent, adequate, and optimally-timed TV.”


See all 5 Cups articles.

What Did We Learn From the 2016 Super Bowl Ads?

Jeep’s Format and Content Won Attention During the Super Bowl

Jeep’s “Portraits” ad was radical in design, according to this Adweek article by Tim Nudd.   “Portraits” was a vertical video, which used less than half of the available TV screen space.  According to the article, “Why Jeep Ran a Vertical Ad on the Super Bowl With 112 Million Watching Horizontal Screens,” Sean Reynolds, Global Executive Creative Director at iris, whose New York office created the 60-second spot, told Adweek, “The close crop was important to really focus the viewer on the eyes and the stories they tell.” Reynolds also commented, “We always had the idea that because it’s a portrait ad, it would look great on a mobile device.” See more . .


Did Your Mobile Device Use Increase During the Super Bowl?

There were an estimated 2.5 million more people on digital screens on Super Bowl Sunday compared to the previous Sunday.  Most of that increase resulted from viewers using their mobile devices, rather than desktops.  Joe Mandese also discusses the Digital Traffic Index, which measured this shift in the supply of digital unique users in the Media Post article, “Supply of Mobile Uniques Spikes Super Sunday, Desktop Gets Sacked.”  See more . . .


Did You Watch the PuppyMonkeyBaby Super Bowl Commercial Online?

Super Bowl commercials generated 476 million online views overall, with 62.4 million of those online views occurring on Super Bowl Sunday according to iSpot.TV.  This Broadcasting & Cable article by Jon Lafayette also discusses whether those views came from Facebook or YouTube, and details which ads drew the most views in terms of digital and social activity.  See more. .


Viewers Still Like Super Bowl Ads: How Long Will That Last?

This eMarketer article analyzed a National Retail Federation survey which showed that 77.1% of consumers viewed Super Bowl ads as a form of entertainment.  In contrast, only 4.5% of consumers were bothered by these ads.  The article concluded that Super Bowl ads will continue to be of interest to consumers, and that social media increases their engagement with the ads.  See more . .


How Digital Conversations Reinforce Super Bowl Advertising-The Power of Earned Media Drives Television Engagement

This Journal of Advertising Research article by Harlan E. Spotts, Western New England University, Scott C. Purvis, G&R Cooperative, LLC, and Sandeep Patnaik, University of Maryland University College, investigated the interactive relationship between social media buzz and brand advertising during the 2011 and 2012 Super Bowls.  The authors concluded: “Overall, the study found evidence that the relationship between traditional television advertising and online social-media conversations was reciprocal, with both media platforms working in tandem to enhance brand engagement.” TAGS: JAR, cross-platform.  Source:

TV Ads Are About to Get Personal With New Targeting Tools

 Gerry Smith, writing for Bloomberg Businessweek, examines the recent capability of television ads to target audiences with greater precision, rather than with broad demographics.  By utilizing data and new targeting tools, TV networks are better able to compete with the highly targeted marketing messages on the Internet.

Media companies, such as Comcast Corp.’s NBCUniversal, Time Warner Inc.’s Turner and Viacom Inc. are using data from cable set-top boxes that track TV viewing, credit card information, and additional sources to compete with the ability of companies to track online users which enables marketers to advertise to narrowly defined audiences.

According to Brad Adgate, Senior Vice President, Director of Research, for media-buying firm Horizon Media, “TV has to move in this direction.  There’s a lot of concern about dollars migrating to digital from television.  This is a way for TV to keep pace.”

The technical capabilities for TV to target audiences have only recently become available.  NBCUniversal introduced a new product this year which enables it to use cable set-top box data from Comcast, its parent company, in addition to credit card data, automobile data, plus other sources, to advise advertisers on the specific program on a network that is more likely to include their target audience.  According to NBCUniversal Chief Executive Officer Steve Burke, NBC is giving advertisers “very targeted and unique capabilities that are much more like what advertisers get when they go to Facebook.”

Time Warner’s Turner networks have expanded the number of advertisers to which these networks have been offering targeted ads.  Michael Strober, Turner’s Senior Vice President for Client Insights and Innovation, explains in this article that the ad sales team can now sell commercial time that guarantees brands will reach a specific audience rather than audiences defined only by age and gender.

See all 5 Cups articles.


Is the Future of TV Programmatic?

The panel discussion, “Is the Future of TV Programmatic?” was a highlight at comScore’s first industry summit on the future of audiences and advertising.  Josh Chasin, writing for the comScore Insights blog, discussed the working definition developed by the panel, “Programmatic is simply about automation.”  However, the panelists also felt that “one of the principal implications of this automation is the opportunity to introduce data assets into the transaction process in a more efficient way than ever before.”

Chasin points out that the panelists were all strongly positive on programmatic growth in TV advertising transaction; however, they also unanimously believe that the upfronts will continue in the near future.  As long as the demand for TV advertising inventory exceeds the available supply, there will be an upfront market in order to secure access to that inventory.

However, this TV inventory (or “video inventory” is the term preferred by the panelists) will increasingly be transacted programmatically.  In addition, the scatter market is expected to develop in a similar manner to the RTB, the exchange-based market in the digital space.  Programmatic platforms will enable scatter deals to get done closer to real time.

The panelists agreed that TV is going programmatic, which will benefit both buyers and sellers.

See all 5 Cups articles.

For more on this topic, check out the Media Tab in Morning Coffee.



22% of Cable Customers Also Subscribe to OTT Services

According to a new study by Millward Brown Digital, 22% of cable subscribers also subscribe to an over-the-top service.  Although some cable subscribers do cut the cord when they become OTT subscribers, other cable customers want both types of content, and therefore, maintain both subscriptions.

Jon Lafayette, writing for Broadcasting & Cable, presents additional findings from this Millward Brown Digital report:

-Netflix is the largest OTT provider.

-HBO, which introduced HBO Now earlier this year, is currently experiencing the fastest growth.

-Amazon Instant Video is also growing faster than Netflix.

-Hulu has been growing more slowly over the last few quarters, but has recently introduced an ad-free tier.

-Millennials represent the majority of HBO and Netflix subscribers.

-35% of cable login subscribers are millennials.

-25% of cable subscribers are baby boomers.

According to Millward Brown Digital, content plays an important role in the consumer subscription decision.  According to this study, “It’s important to note these insights do not declare the death of cable TV.  Rather, they highlight the importance of content to a cable provider’s overall strategy and the importance of targeting that content to different generations.”

See all 5 Cups articles.




Connected TV Spend to Rise, While Priority Remains Low

The Association of National Advertisers (ANA), in partnership with BrightLine, an ad platform, reports that more than 70% of 215 client-side senior marketers believe that connected TV represents an opportunity for the advertising industry.  Despite this belief, none of these marketers spend more than 10% of their budget on connected TV.

YuYu Chen, summarizing this report for ClickZ, reports that 48% of respondents whose companies are currently engaged in connected TV or OTT devices plan to allocate more of their TV ad budget to it next year.  In addition, another 13% of respondents not currently engaged in connected TV or OTT, plan to allocate some of their budget to it next year.


Top benefits of connected TV/OTT include:

  • Audience targeting
  • High engagement
  • Amplification of video content

According to this report, barriers to greater spending on connected TV or OTT by marketers include:

  • Lack of reliable measurement metrics
  • Small-scale audiences
  • Cost/pricing
  • Creative concerns
  • Budgets
  • Not familiar enough (especially reported by respondents not currently engaged with connected TV/OTT)

Rob Aksman, founder and CEO of BrightLine, is optimistic about the future of connected TV.  “There’s nothing stopping connected TV from going mainstream today: there’s scale, there’s targeting and there’s data.  With connected TV, advertisers can not only reach TV viewers, but also offer a better brand experience with clickable and measurable videos.”

See all 5 Cups articles.

For more on this topic, check out the Media Tab in Morning Coffee.