NYCU: AUDIENCExSCIENCE 2020 – Keynotes & Interviews on Today’s Most Challenging Issues

AudienceXScience: Keynote – Collecting Data During a Global Pandemic (Monday – 9/21/20)

With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, the US Census Bureau’s leadership had to think outside the box. Learn how the agency modified its work, all while maintaining operations, releasing data products and continuing to serve the data-user community during this unprecedented time.

Dr. Ron Jarmin – Deputy Director and COO, U.S. Census Bureau
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NYCU: Goodbye GRP’s, Hello Impressions

Analyst Jessica Hogue says the time has come for marketers to set aside the GRP and make the leap to impressions. Why? Because impressions make the valuation equal and uniform across channels, setting standards for a more holistic, intelligent and balanced measure of campaign success.
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