Today’s TV is “Amazing”

In conversation with Scott McDonald, PhD., President & CEO, ARF, and Radha Subramanyam, PhD., President & Chief Research & Analytics Officer, CBS Corporation. Subramanyam gave today’s TV an A+.

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Attitudes about Ad-Supported Content

Researchers Jon Giegengack, Founder & Principal, HUB Entertainment Research, and David Tice, Research Senior Consultant, HUB Entertainment Research, reported on new insights from their ongoing series of surveys on trends in consumers’ viewing behaviors, about ad-supported versus ad-free content.  Read more »

A New Trend in Streaming

Based on his latest analyses of Nielsen’s data, Brian Fuhrer’s presentation focused on a new trend in viewer behavior, STRIVE: Streaming Live or Linear Streaming through an app. Fuhrer is SVP, Product Strategy & Thought Leadership at Nielsen. Read more »

The Value of Time in Advertising

Here are highlights from a panel discussion built on research and discourse from two ARF Town Halls about the quality of ad impressions on different platforms. Two issues were highlighted: measurement challenges and assessing the value of time spent with and attention to advertising.

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Linear TV Ads’ Reach Declines

Samba TV’s analysis finds that 95% of linear TV advertising impressions were served to just 55% of viewers in Q4 2021, according to Smart TV data from Australia, Germany, the UK and the US.

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