radio & audio

The Importance of Audio

While most of marketers’ attention and research is focused on video, a new report emphasizes the importance of audio in light of the growing popularity of podcasts. In it, researchers explore the role of attention to audio.  

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All About Podcasts

Here are three perspectives: Ad spending numbers, reasons for ad spend increases and the long-term outlook for podcasts.   Read more »

Pandemic Parallels

ARF members contributed to a new book, Transitioning Media in a Post COVID World, which highlights some surprising parallels between the current pandemic and the 1918-19 flu pandemic.

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Here’s A Great Case Study On Radio’s Sales Power via Radio+TV Business Report (source: Nielsen)

A new Nielsen study, commissioned by Westwood One, paints a rosy picture for a major unnamed auto aftermarket retailer that engaged in a three-month national radio campaign from March to June 2016.

Nielsen matched the Nielsen Audio Portable People Meter (PPM) panel with credit and debit card spending data, so it could compare purchases of those exposed to the radio campaign with consumers who were not exposed. The results: the unnamed retailer generated $21 of incremental sales for every $1 spent on radio.

Nielsen calculated ROAS by dividing the total sales boost by the radio ad investment. It found that the radio campaign drove a 64% increase in new customers; and a 48% increase in total buyers. Additionally, those exposed to the radio campaign the most (seven or more times) represented nearly half of the total sales increase.

Access full article from Radio+TV Business Report

Podcasters Make Their Sales Pitch to Advertisers via WSJ

Their Upfront presentation comes during a growth period for podcasts. About 57 million people, or 21% of Americans over the age of 12, listen to a podcast monthly, according to an Edison Research report from May. That figure is up from 17% last year.

Still, the podcast industry is contending with a series of advertising hurdles, like a difficulty in measuring how many people are downloading—and then actually listening to—episodes. As a result, most podcast ads are from direct-response marketers that more easily track their investment through promotional codes.

The IAB on Wednesday released a study with Edison Research that found that 65% of podcast listeners said the ads increase their likelihood of purchasing a product, while 45% said they often visit a sponsor’s website after hearing a message.

Access full report from WSJ