
Building Trust Through Transparency

In a 2019 Pew survey, 79% of Americans say that they know big companies track their online behavior while 59% say they don’t know how the data is used and have little control over how the data is used. In a 2020 survey, Pew found that most Americans want the right to permanently delete their health related data.

Cookieless Audience Targeting and Attribution: A Pharma Case Study

While attribution has been around two decades, a great breakthrough for digital, the deprecation of third party cookies is likely to have a significant impact. Options to MTA include: walled gardens, focused on one channel only, and data clean rooms such as those operated by the identity companies. Cleanrooms are data intensive but much better than single channel walled gardens.

MODERATED TRACK DISCUSSIONS: Cross-Platform: Measurement & Identity

Moderator Jorge (TikTok) asked the panelists three key questions:

  • The pros and cons of using mobile phones as meters in a time of such strong privacy concerns;
  • The panelists’ views on measurement of advertising effectiveness; and
  • The most unexpected feedback they received.

Perspectives on the Most Important Consumer and Video Marketplace Changes

The major challenge to measurement is the vast amount of content to measure and the ability to deduplicate across the many screens. Inclusiveness is the second major challenge – showing the face of America. But this is an opportunity also. The third is chasing identity and privacy at the same time.

Leading the Next Frontier of Media Disruption

Scott introduced Marc Pritchard to the ARF stage with a discussion about the most important marketing and advertising measurement challenges in the industry and Procter & Gamble’s priorities in approaching solutions. While the perpetual fragmentation of the media ecosystem is complicating accurate measurement across platforms, advertisers still have the same simple questions, according to Marc. The consumer is the center of it all – how many people are advertisers reaching, how often are they reaching them, and how effective and efficient is the advertising itself?


This panel discussion closed out the first day of the conference, highlighting the anchor commentators’ key takeaways from the day’s sessions.


Helen Katz (Publicis Media) moderated this track discussion for Television Disrupted. She asked the speakers about practical, actionable takeaways for TV advertisers as well as emerging trends and opportunities.

Consumer Behavioral Shifts: Why Your Marketing Measurement Must Adapt in 2022 and Beyond

Consumer behaviors have changed dramatically creating new challenges for brands and their marketing measurement. During this Insights Studio, we explored the measurement challenges brands have faced in the wake of significant consumer changes. We also discussed best practices brands should be using to ensure their marketing measurement is set up for future success as consumers continue to react to major societal change. Executives from OptiMine, an agile marketing analytics provider, Kepler, a global digital agency, and Beachbody, an innovative health and fitness company, shared their observations on how changes in consumer shopping and media consumption behaviors have been reflected in marketing measurement.

What’s Next: The State of Ad Measurement Identifiers

Kevin Whitcher (DISQO) provided an overview of current identifier availability and their use in measuring ad outcomes.

The industry has witnessed the ongoing extinction of 3P identifiers since 2016 with the passage of GDPR. While the means to measure digital ad exposure are disappearing, the need is not. Eighty-five percent of buyers and sellers are concerned about the effect of privacy changes on their ad buys and overall business, according to DISQO research. Publishers have data to measure digital ad exposure, but only in their own siloed platforms. However, measuring ad effectiveness on one platform is not an effective solution since neither people nor media plans are media-monogamous. Additionally, IP addresses are not a viable alternative to identity lifelines.

Breaking the Myth: Privacy-Forward Audience Targeting Can Drive Performance

In the evolving privacy landscape, companies are continuing to look for solutions that offer cookieless targeting. Advertisers seek cross-platform targeting options enabling scale and KPIs to drive campaign performance. However, potential solutions have weaknesses:

  • Substitute identifiers: Potentially lack scale
  • IP address: Short-lived, not privacy-centric
  • Context: Lacks audience/behavioral insights