
Identity Resolution Solution – How Close Are We?

Few would argue that a solution for identity resolution is needed to effect cross-platform video measurement. However, connecting different digital devices to unique users and households is fraught with legal, technical, and organizational barriers. How likely are we to see some kind of interoperable ID system that all industry participants can and will adopt?

MODERATED TRACK DISCUSSIONS: Data Deprecation & Rising Privacy Concerns

All agreed that just because something is technically feasible does not mean that it should be done—or will be understood and appreciated by consumers. (Example: Concerns that Amazon’s Echo is always listening in the background.) As alternatives to the current practice of behavioral tracking (with or without consumer awareness and understanding), ask: What are replacement forms of data? How can these be collected? At what cost? How will you activate such data? YouGov’s surveys point to the need to compensate consumers in exchange for their personal data. Next year’s IAB survey can be a “report card” on how well companies are managing this transition.

Understanding & Using Ethical Data Attitudes to Improve Consumer Relationships

A Wunderman Thompson survey of 1,000 consumers each in the U.S. and U.K. found that concerns about data privacy rank 4th—behind only the economy, the COVID pandemic and healthcare. Most consumers see the collection and use of their personal data as an opaque process, creating a “negative halo” for companies they associate with this. Consumers generally do not perceive the benefits to them of sharing personal data and desire greater control—without necessarily knowing how this could be done. Mazda’s Brad Audet said that best practice in communicating about data privacy must start with a focus on the consumer, not the company’s data needs. Citing the example of Amazon, he urged that companies “co-create opportunities with customers” to use data for personalization that creates real value for them. Otherwise, their concerns will add to the current “cascade of distrust” in government and other large institutions.

Building a Cross-Device, Multi-Source, & Verified Behavioral Data Exchange Tool

The presentation shared YouGov’s research behind building a cross-device, multi-source, and verified behavioral data exchange tool. The research tackled the following problems:

  • How can they increase transparency around data and content insights across SVOD, AVOD, and entertainment sources while preserving user privacy? Then, how can they make it global?
  • How can they enrich YouGov’s Signal’s existing trove of data that they collect across the entertainment world with deeper and more accurate viewership while simultaneously helping their clients stay ahead of changing regulation?
  • How can they empower their 14 million-plus panelists to take control of their digital assets?

IAB State of Data Initiative 2020

The IAB Programmatic & Data Center examined the impact of the loss of third-party cookies and identifiers on the digital advertising ecosystem, particularly on brands and publishers. This report measures the industry’s sense of preparedness, expectations for revenue and data-driven tasks, and progress into leveraging first-party data. Two studies were executed, conducted by Ipsos and McKinsey, surveying and interviewing key data leaders across categories.

Understanding Consumer Sentiment Towards Data & Privacy in Advertising

Lucid is a research technology platform that delivers programmatic access to first-party survey data that can be used to drive business initiatives. Using survey-based methodologies to help clients understand the accuracy and effectiveness of their advertising efforts.


In her presentation, Bridget Bidlack shared recent research Lucid conducted on consumer sentiment on data privacy as it relates to the concept of a “free Internet” and sharing of data. Although the Internet is “free” to users, there is an inherent quid pro quo requirement: users must view ads and share data to use the Internet, and this “contract” isn’t always transparent.

Collaborating on Research and Solutions for Private Measurement

Dennis Buchheim has a unique perspective from “two sides” of the ad industry. He leads Facebook’s Ads Ecosystem team after serving as CEO of IAB Tech Lab. Dennis shared a view on how the industry is grappling with the shifting regulatory, platform, and technology landscape. Only together can the industry understand these changes and create paths forward. As opportunities are evaluated to evolve how data is used, research will be critical in refining the industry’s foundational knowledge and providing tactical guidance.


Stephen DiMarco (Tubular Labs) moderated this discussion on the second day of the conference with the anchor commentators who shared their perspectives on what they heard and what it means.

MODERATED TRACK DISCUSSIONS: Data Deprecation & Rising Privacy Concerns

Three core factors driving/limiting targeting are privacy, devices (IDFA), and at browser level (third party cookies). There are two broad trends in marketers’ response: 1) recreate identities or improve contextual targeting. Initiative suggests their attempt to recreate identity is balanced by their respect for privacy. Initiative is trying to maintain journey based engagement through technology.

The Context Effect: How Context is Critical & Transforming Digital Advertising

As consumer concerns about privacy are growing and legislators are responding by introducing legal restrictions, marketers are focusing on contextual targeting (instead of cookies) to make their advertising more effective. Research by Integral Ad Science (IAS) has shown that the growth of contextual targeting is not only being embraced by marketers, but also welcomed by consumers: they prefer ads that match the content they are viewing – which makes them more relevant to them.