media buying & selling

Editor’s Note: worth reading comments at article’s end Time Emerging as Industry Metric: Big Question Is How Long It Will Take via MediaPost (Joe Mandese)

Now that the ad industry has come to a consensus that the currency of digital media-buying should be based on human, “viewable” impressions, industry execs are turning their attention to, well, attention.

“It’s something that is evolving,” UM Worldwide SVP Digital Innovations and Investment Erin Rech said. “We are learning more and more how not only viewability matters, but time and attention.”

“Five years ago, we were still looking at clicks and clickthrough rates,” said Caitlin Grigg, Director of Global Digital Media & Data Management at Microsoft, noting that this evolved into “only looking at impressions,” and then more recently to “looking at fraud a viewability.” Now she says, marketers are beginning to “correlate time and attention” so they can “connect more effectively with our consumers.”

Access full article from MediaPost

Editor’s Note: This is a very edited version of a lengthy advertiser thought piece. The End of Advertising, As We Know It – via MediaPost (source: Gary Milner, Director, Global Digital Marketing Manager, Lenovo)

Until relatively recently, the ad industry has been dominated by the same media that dominated it in 1955. Only TV still dominates today, but its grip on media buyers is slipping. Cataclysmic forces are shifting corporate culture and disrupting pent-up organizational malaise.

I see the rise of a global media hub, like a stock exchange, which will become responsible for transacting all digital programmatic buys. And if budgets are of a sufficient size, then pan-continental hubs will emerge. This ultimately can be driven by a workflow process capturing budget, creative, target audience, timing and metrics.

Corporations have the opportunity to drive this to an in-house process, outsource to the new specialist shops forming, or transform current agency buying practices and thus transform today’s model.

Access full article from MediaPost

5 Cups


Previews of four original research papers to be presented at the Audience Measurement Conference and an article of interest.

“Reach versus Frequency” – Facebook and Frito-Lay

We conducted a meta-analysis of Datalogix ROI studies to better understand the impact of reach-based planning and optimal frequencies on in-store sales.

Various media buying principles were evaluated, including   the impact of reach-based planning, optimal frequency and campaign length in relation to sales lift.

We will present results which provided clear guidance and best-practices for media buying across the Frito-Lay portfolio including reach sufficiency levels, optimal frequency and creative guidelines for a mobile environment.

For more information visit Audience Measurement

“Avoid Excessive Frequency” – comScore

One of the promises of online advertising is the ability to put a maximum cap on the frequency of impressions per user to avoid excessive repetition. Digital campaign delivery is often extremely skewed, with some users receiving far too many impressions associated with the same campaign.

This research aimed to answer the following questions:

1) Do ad impressions deliver any impact beyond a certain level? When does frequency become ineffective or counterproductive?

2) What is a safe frequency threshold that we can use, beyond which we can consider an impression practically worthless?

3) Given such a guideline, how much wasteful spending can advertisers avoid?

Media Buyers Can Fight Ad Fraud

Timur Yarnall, writing for comScore, discusses how media buyers can help to fight ad fraud.

Ad fraud, transparency, and NHT (non-human traffic) have become critical issues for both media buyers and sellers.

Media buyers can push for transparency and high-quality inventory.  Yarnall points out three main reasons media buyers should take an active role on these issues:

-To protect client relationships. Media buyers need to show verified results in order to justify their recommended and executed digital campaigns. CMOs and CFO must be able to trust the results of these campaigns.

-To protect the budgets allocated to digital. Campaign metrics must be considered valid in order justify continued spending on digital media.

-To protect the quality and transparency of the media buying industry

Failing to address the issues of viewability, NHT, and ad fraud will negatively impact the digital ecosystem.


See all 5 Cups articles.

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