innovation & new product development

How to Use Machine Learning to Speed Up the Product Design Process

  • MSI

Aesthetic design significantly affects consumer evaluation of products. Nowhere perhaps is this truer than for the automotive category. However, in this industry, development cycles can be lengthy. As a result, mid-generation “facelifts” periodically occur to maintain appeal. However, this process can be expensive. Recent breakthroughs in machine learning may help speed up the process in an efficient and scalable manner. Not only is this option cost-effective, but it is customizable. For those who wish to infuse nature-inspired elements into an aesthetic design, deep machine learning offers many advantages.

Inside the Journal of Advertising Research: Sonic Branding, ASMR Engagement, and Who Wins in Activist Messaging?


At this Insights Studio, researchers in Europe, the U.K. and the U.S. presented work in relatively new fields that have high-impact potential for the advertising industry. Starting with a forthcoming paper on sonic branding, the authors described their ground-breaking framework for measuring the implicit effects of sonic branding using music to manipulate visual scenes in video, film and TV. Next, a deep dive into autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR)—a sensory-inducing device in ads—included strategies for helping brands collaborate with successful ASMR influencers. Lastly, a preview of an article to be published in the March Prosocial Advertising Special Issue showed how brand activism influences attitudes and purchase intentions, revealing a credibility gap between established activist brands and brands emerging in that space. Taking questions from Paul and from attendees, panelists in the concluding Q&A explored links between sonic branding and ASMR, the demographics of ASMR followers, ways for emergent activist brands to close the credibility gap with established activist brands, and future research possibilities.

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A Peek Behind the Curtain at How AI Judged the David Ogilvy Awards

  • Summary by Alexander Cammy, Creative Council Young Pros Officer

During this ARF Creative Council event, the Council further explored the results of the AI model experiment to predict the winners of the 2023 ARF David Ogilvy awards, building on the initial presentation of these results at the Creative Effectiveness Event.  Council Member Pedr Howard (Ipsos) presented additional results now that the actual winners are known.  Lynnete Wong (Oglivy) of the 2023 Grand Ogilvy Award winning team talked about the kinds of research her agency undertook to develop the winning campaign for Samsung.  The two of them then joined a panel with Council member Belle Frank (VMLY&R) to discuss the implications of the experiment and the growing role of AI in advertising and advertising research.  Council Member Bill Day (Magid) moderated the panel.

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