gen Z

Welcome to the Gen Z Challenge via AdAge (source: Joline McGoldrick, Director of Research at Millward Brown Digital)

Gen Z, born between 1997 and 2011, is now coming of age in large numbers, and marketers can’t afford to take as long to come to grips with Gen Z as they did with Millennials.

The first cohorts of this new generation, who are now 16 to 19 years old, are increasingly relevant to a wide variety of categories and products. Globally, they are huge too: around 2 billion of the world’s citizens—approximately 27% of the global population—belong to Gen Z.

The danger for marketers is that Gen Z is not “millennial-lite” or “millennial-extra-strong”, but different in distinct ways. Gen Z not only challenges how brands communicate, they challenge the very notion of a brand’s authenticity and transparency in digital.

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Why Marketers Should Keep Centennials in Mind

Nearly a quarter of the population consists of Centennials, who are between 13 and 18 years of age and who were born around the turn of the century. This consumer segment will represent 40% of the population by 2020, according to this article in Direct Marketing News by Andrew Corselli.

Centennials, also known as Generation Z, have always lived in a technology-connected world and have an estimated average attention span of eight seconds, according to the author.

Corselli presents new research from PowerReviews which shows that it will be important to focus on engagement when marketing to this generation.  Important characteristics of centennials include being resourceful and practical when spending money and valuing online reviews more than brand name, price or free shipping.

PowerReviews also provides tips for marketing to Centennials:

-Emphasize quality and differentiation of products and services.

-Engage with shoppers online early in the purchase cycle.

-Strengthen your online presence, including a mobile-friendly website.

-Start real conversations.  A consumer’s online review provides an opportunity for a brand to engage with that consumer.

Centennials represent a large segment of consumers with long-term revenue potential for marketers.

See all 5 Cups articles.


Gen Z-The Next Target of Marketers

Gen Z, the generation of teens following Millennials are the next target of marketers, according to Ashley Rodriguez, writing for Advertising Age.

Members of Gen Z have their own unique set of characteristics:

-Practical and value conscious.

-Seek best quality at the right price.

-Value experiences.

-Risk takers who thrive on discovering something new and different.

-Creative and entrepreneurial.

-Want to be unique and not blend in.

-Consider technology as a given since they were raised with it.

-Utilize the vast amount of available information.

-They’re loyal once they find a brand, product or service that they like.

-Have great potential as brand ambassadors.

-Use social media to instantly share both good and bad experiences with a brand.

-Focus on a rental, rather than ownership model, such as cars and formal dresses.

-Drawn to nostalgia.

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