food & beverages

How Long Can Brands Go Dark before Sales Suffer?


How long can large- and medium-size brands, with stable sales histories, afford to halt broad-reach advertising? The answer, according to a new study, is about two years before sales and market share start to shrink. Those brands are the exception. Previously declining brands, especially small ones, will see sales drop even further when going dark for a year.

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What a Product’s Weight Conveys to Consumers

  • Marketing Science Institute

A product’s shape, packaging or logo contributes to consumer understanding and reactions to that product, previous research has found. But what impression does the perceived weight of a product convey and how can this be used for advertising and marketing purposes? Researchers Priya Raghubir, Lu Yang and Dengfeng Yan looked into this and discovered that consumers use a stability heuristic for weight judgements. Shorter, broader objects are judged to be heavier and thus are considered more stable. And when it comes to food items, weight also plays on such things as calorie assessment.