
Racial Minority Representation Increases Advertising Effectiveness in Mortgage Markets

Explore the impact of racial minority representation in TV advertisements on consumer choices in the mortgage market in this new MSI working paper. The study employed a double machine learning model to control for high-dimensional video and text features, ensuring robust estimates. Its findings reveal that higher minority presence can significantly increase TV advertising effectiveness.

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Preparing for Google’s 2024 Privacy Changes

On June 25, OptiMine dove into the specifics of Google’s privacy changes and revealed how these changes will impact the marketing and measurement landscape. Traditional forms of measurement will no longer be viable as privacy-driven data loss continues to diminish accuracy, coverage and reliability. Attendees gained applicable strategies on how their brands can adapt before it’s too late.

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ARF Attention Measurement Validation Initiative: Phase 2 Report (2nd Edition)


Explore the latest findings from the ARF Attention Measurement Validation Initiative. The phase two report is a comprehensive examination of various attention measurement methods used in creative testing. It concludes with reflections on the challenges of attention measurement, as well as some suggestions for advertisers on how to choose and evaluate attention measurement providers.

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Demystifying Data Privacy: Understanding the Cookieless Future


On May 9th, the ARF Young Pros hosted an event focused on data privacy and the implications of a cookieless future. Cole Strain from Samba TV started the event with an overview of data privacy fundamentals and the impending changes due to the deprecation of cookies. This was followed by a panel discussion featuring experts from Snapchat, Comscore, and Google, moderated by one of our Young Pros Advisory Board Members, Gillian Kenah from Tracksuit.

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Generative AI Can Make Ad Creative Better Than Humans Alone

Have we reached the John Henry moment in ad creative where the machine can outperform a human in creating visuals for ads? Not quite. Generative AI does have a place in creative, however. This Marketing Science Institute (MSI) working paper found that GenAI when trained on ads which were rated the most effective by consumers can create ad visuals and text that outperform the originals in KPIs related to the purchase funnel and brand associations. Yet, the human element has not been cut out just yet. In fact, it might be pivotal to the process. The human AI combo saved time and effort and created pleasing visuals while maintaining a brand’s distinctive positioning.

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The Benefits of Understanding Consumers’ Values

Research has demonstrated that developing messages, creative and targeting based only on demographic characteristics is not optimal. Investing in research on consumers’ values and emotions is likely to increase marketing effectiveness.     Read more »

Emotional Drivers of Long-Term Effectiveness of YouTube Ads

Manuel Garcia-Garcia, Ph.D.Global Lead of Neuroscience, Ipsos

Ariane PolGlobal Head of Research for Creative Works, Google

Geraldine RodriguezClient Manager Applied Research, Ipsos

Can YouTube help drive long-term brand building? How do you measure long-term brand building? When brands want to air strategic long-term campaigns, they typically revert to traditional media. Most people are not in need of a brand’s immediate offering, but they represent the biggest sales opportunity. Ten years ago, the IPA demonstrated that campaigns whose primary focus was emotional were the most effective. Emotions are the fuel that allow high conversion over time. Brands should tap into emotions of consumers that may not be interested in a product now but may be relevant in the future. Ipsos partnered with Google Creative Works to study the observed and declared behaviors. Methodology: A triangulation of methods were used. They were Creative/Spark (market validated KPIs of creative impact); Ipsos Bayesian Nets (models the impact of emotion); Ipsos Emotion Framework (captures emotional responses). Ipsos Emotion Framework defines emotions as physiological changes we experience in response to the environment. These are complex emotions that are heavily driven by culture and context, and they are therefore, not universal. This complicates measuring emotions. While emotions are not universal, we can explain emotions based on valence, arousal and control. This maintains the cultural authenticity but can be compared across cultures. The experimental approach to measuring long-term brand growth included a brand relationship index (BRI), comprised of brand performance = how would you rate [brand] in terms of what you are looking for in a [category] + brand closeness = how close do you feel to [brand]? Findings:
  1. Valence alone explains 28% of variance of long-term brand sales growth for YouTube videos. Highly pleasant residual emotions on YouTube ads have predictive power over long-term brand growth. This works for both YouTube ad formats (skippable and forced).
  2. Highly pleasant YouTube ads make people willing to pay more, reducing price sensitivity.
  3. The highly pleasant emotions that correlated with valence were warmth, happiness, calmness, love, nostalgia and excitement.
  4. Empathy and surprise become important predictors of the brand relationship change index in the long term.
  5. To analyze how respondents group emotions when reporting how ads make them feel, a sophisticated analytic technique based on Bayesian network was applied. This method shows that ads can awaken different emotions, not just one emotional note. Empathy and surprise are more neutral by nature, and this can lead to either positive or negative emotions. They can be bridge emotions between negative and positive emotions.
Key takeaways:
  • Digital media like YouTube can be a prime brand building vehicle, not only for short-term tactical business objectives.
  • Highly pleasant emotions account for 28% of long-term brand growth. Brands should leverage this knowledge to create powerful, emotional storytelling to get closer to current and prospective clients.
  • Positive emotional storytelling supercharges performance. It makes people more willing to pay more for a brand.
  • Emotional storytelling doesn’t mean focusing on one single tone—brands can experiment with several emotions to create powerful and emotionally stirring narratives.

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