digital video

How Augmented Intelligence Unlocks Creative Effectiveness on YouTube

Ariane Le Port of Google explored the relationship between augmented intelligence and creative effectiveness on YouTube. She noted that in the past, measuring creative was a challenge that was “so nuanced and so complex” that people tended to shy away from measuring it. In this session, Ariane pointed to a six-year experiment on YouTube video ads to help brands understand what is most effective in mobile video. In the experiment, they conducted A/B testing and took into account a variety of areas, such as framing, pacing, audio and other areas to find patterns of creative effectiveness. These experiments led to a partnership between Google and Ipsos to create YouTube’s ABCDs (Guidelines) for creative effectiveness. YouTube and Ipsos studied 17,000 ads in an effort to identify the creative elements that have a measurable impact, using a human and machine learning (ML) approach. Leveraging machine learning (ML) enabled them to look at large and robust datasets to gain a deep understanding of what elements work best in creative. Ariane discussed their augmented intelligence methodology which included data scope and collection, human and machine creative coding, metrics and data modeling and insights and commercialization.

Evaluating the Drivers of Attention Across Media and Creative

According to Britt Cushing of OMD, we need to make sure that creative and media “sit hand in glove” as everyone battles for attention in a sea of clutter that is diluting effectiveness. Sixty-five percent of media impact actually comes from the creative. OMD has been looking at attention for planning through years of empirical testing (across 25 brands, 10 categories and seven different markets). They found that attention drives mental availability and is fundamental for brand growth. In this presentation Britt discussed OMD’s approach to leveraging attention from planning to activation to garner competitive advantages for brands.

How Managing Creative Attention for Brand Growth Can Drive Outsized Outcomes

Max Kalehoff of Realeyes discussed what can happen when you manage for creative attention to further bridge the gap between media and creative. Realeyes uses a model based on NCS’s model on contributors of campaign outcomes to calculate how media and creative attention lead to quality exposures and brand impact. Realeyes also leans into facial coding via webcam to measure human attention on video creative—how it is captured, retained and encoded. To apply the creative efficiency to a nominal CPM, Realeyes ran a simulation study of 42 YouTube ads across seven CPG cleaning brands. They found that creative efficiency determines up to 3X delta in quality exposure share. The study also identified what moves the needle on creative attention and efficiency in CPG.


On June 7, 2023, attention economy experts came together in NYC to share case studies and participate in engaging discussions on the attention measurement landscape. Plus, attendees heard a recap of the issues debated at AUDIENCExSCIENCE and an update on Phase I of the ARF Attention Validation Initiative, an empirically based evaluation of the rapidly developing market for attention measurement and prediction.

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Evidence-Based Research for Effective Marketing

On November 9, 2022, industry leaders joined us to share highlights from EffWorks Global 2022 — a week-long celebration of the best new thinking and evidence-based decision-making research for marketing effectiveness. Topics of discussion included: marketing in the post-Covid economy, effective advertising in unprecedented times, the value of Share of Voice/Share of Attention/Share of Search in terms of effectiveness and commercial decision making, and more.

2022 Media Insights and 2023 Challenges

An ARF event presented by the LA Media Research Council focused on insights from 2022 research and on 2023 priorities to meet business challenges. Issues addressed in research presentations and by an expert panel included the evolution of streaming during an economic downturn, how to manage subscriber churn, understanding Gen Z and the continued need for better measurement across the ecosystem.

A Layman’s Guide to Cross Media Reach & Frequency Measurement Using Virtual IDs

On May 17, the ARF Analytics Council explored the groundbreaking concept of Virtual IDs (VIDs) and their potential to revolutionize cross-media measurement. The essential mechanics of VIDs were explained in a non-technical manner to help professionals across media and advertising understand it better. Panelists shared how VIDs could overcome barriers in calculating cross-media and device reach and frequency.

Engaging the Next Generation: Challenges and Opportunities in Marketing to Gen Z

With 90% of Gen Z using their platform, Snap’s Aarti Bhaskaran and Kara Louis shared six top trends gathered over three years of studying this cohort from a combination of consumer insights and media measurement. As the most diverse generation in the U.S., Gen Z values authenticity and looks for personal online experiences in ways that inform how they engage with content.

Contribution of Media vs. Creative vs. Brand

Across all platforms, creative continues to have the dominant effect ranging from 46% to 49% of the effect of the campaign. The proportional effect of media and brand vary by platform depending on the targetability of the medium, the ability to build reach and the appeal to younger audiences such as is the case for social media.

Using Attention AI to Predict Real-World Outcomes

Mars and Realeyes prove connection between creative attention and sales performance. Mars’ Agile Creative Expertise (ACE) tool tracks visual attention and emotion responses to digital video ads. Visual attention AI and facial coding measures how long participants watch a video and how their attention changes as they watch. Proven this model to work—optimizing content, lifting sales up to 18% in 19 markets, $30 million in ad optimizations in 18 months.