data quality

Aggregating Location Data for Privacy and Profit

  • MSI

Using mobile location data to improve targeting marketing is a good strategy, but the downside is that it can increase consumer concern over privacy. What’s a better way to do it? Instead of aggregating data by home location, doing so by the centroid of brand sites visited can result in good predictions, while still maintaining individual anonymity.

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CMO Briefs: Understanding Biases in Panel and Census Research Using AI/ML

Numerous bias types can impact panel and census research. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms can perpetuate them. This is true of surveys, panels and the big data sets that are often used to calibrate each other. The following report touches on some of the biases that can occur, where they may affect panel and census research that use AI/ML and mitigation efforts to account for them. Read the article.

KaH: Understanding Biases in Panel and Census Research Using AI/ML

Numerous biases can impact panel and census research. While some believe that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) offer easy ways to circumvent them, the truth is, algorithms can perpetuate such biases. This is true of surveys, panels and the big data sets that are often used to calibrate each other. The following report covers the numerous biases that can occur, where they may infiltrate panel and census research that use AI/ML and mitigation efforts to account for them. Read the article.