data quality

Improving Research Quality Standards

The Media Rating Council (MRC) is known for audits and accreditation work to secure valid, reliable and effective media measurement. However, a large portion of their efforts are focused on developing and updating measurement standards.   Read more »

Better Attribution Research

This year’s Attribution & Analytics Accelerator event again focused on the science of marketing performance measurement. Experts presented and discussed insights from attribution studies, how to use marketing mix models, experiments and in-market testing, as well as new developments such as AI.   Read more »

How to Increase Data Accuracy

Data quality and the choice research mode have a large impact on findings obtained through both big data and panels. It is important to be aware of these sources of bias to avoid misleading conclusions.

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Attribution & Analytics Accelerator 2022

The boldest and brightest minds joined us November 14 - 17 for Attribution & Analytics Accelerator 2022—the only event focused exclusively on attribution, marketing mix models, in-market testing and the science of marketing performance measurement. Experts led discussions to answer some of the industry’s most pressing questions and shared new innovations that can bring growth to your organization.

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Implications of Changing Privacy Frameworks on Measurement & Marketing (Part II)

During Part 2 of our Insights Studio on Privacy experts from Neustar, Sallie Mae and the ARF examined what privacy changes mean for marketers. They discussed the importance of a mutually agreed upon value exchange between the consumer and the brand and the implications of the changing privacy frameworks for the targeting and measurement of advertising. Although there are challenges related to consumer privacy, regulatory issues and measurement, the panelists were optimistic about the potential for resolution.

View Part I here.

The ARF Attention Measurement Validation Initiative: The How & Why

Today, there is much discussion and debate on the definition of attention, how to measure it properly and whether we should be measuring it at all, or if inattention instead should be what we assess. Plus, is the highest form of attention always desired, or do we want low levels of attention for certain kinds of ads, such as emotional ones for TV? As a result of all these questions, the ARF has announced the Attention Validation Project. Its goals are to help define attention, evaluate the methods available to us and what their rightful application is, whether it be analyzing advertising creative or the media environment.

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Attention Events

Two events take place next week that are designed to help marketers create attention-grabbing and effective messages.

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The ARF WIDE Challenge

ARF WIDE’s mission is to develop and nurture the next generation of diverse talent in the research and insights industry. WIDE is designed to building a workforce that will make our industry better by representing the voices of all consumers.

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A Remembrance to Ceril Shagrin

Media Research lost one of the most important champions of transparent, accountable measurement last weekend. Ceril Shagrin, while working at Nielsen and Univision, invested time and energy pushing standards of excellence within the Media Rating Council (MRC) and Council for Research Excellence (CRE) among other forums.

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