data analytics

MSI Blue Ribbon Report Preview Charts the Future of MMM

  • MSI

The practice of marketing mixed modeling (MMM) is increasing, research finds, partially because of the implementation of privacy restrictions. Today, finding appropriate providers to optimize marketing investments remains challenging. This was the impetus behind the Marketing Science Institute (MSI)’s Blue Ribbon Report on MMM. This free preview of the full white paper outlines what best practices to employ in a rapidly changing landscape. It identifies challenges for MMM veterans and ways to meet them. It also introduces executives to the opportunities that exist when introducing MMM into their firm. The report preview provides a brief overview of the top-level findings found in the full report, which is only available to MSI members.

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Striking a Balance: Privacy, Personalization & Profit


Modern digital privacy laws, while well-intentioned, carry significant unintended consequences. On September 12, industry experts joined us for a virtual Town Hall and discussed the unintended consequences of privacy regulations on marketers, consumers, the industry and society—as well as shared actionable strategies that can be used to mitigate their impacts.

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AI, Chatbots and Market Research

While the impact of AI and chatbots on advertising is widely discussed, there has been less focus on their role in marketing research. MSI events and an MSI working paper have addressed the issue and reached noteworthy conclusions. Read more »

What are the Drivers Behind Metric Use in a Global Setting?

  • MSI

Marketers are under increasing pressure to be accountable for their actions. Using metrics is a big part of how they justify their decisions across the organization. Increasingly, firms are becoming global entities. Yet, there is little to no research looking into what drives metric use across countries. Researchers in this study analyzed over 4,000 marketing mix decisions in 16 countries. Their report offers important insights for top executives who want to understand what is driving downstream managerial metric use.

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Advertising Effectiveness: Performance Measurement in the New World of Privacy and Tools

  • Insights Studio

On July 26, measurement practitioners discussed how to adapt to this new era of privacy with tools for measuring ad performance effectiveness. Panelists explored new considerations for existing methods, such as marketing mix modeling (MMMs) and multi-touch attribution (MTAs), and discussed the pros and cons of various privacy enhancing technologies (PETs), including multi-party computation, clean rooms, and more.

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Marketing Performance Measurement – Where are We Now?

On July 12, 2023, the ARF Cross-Platform Measurement Council’s Attribution Working Group brought together a panel of performance marketing experts to discuss where we are now in marketing performance measurement. Panelists from both the service provider and the user side of performance measurement shared their thoughts on the new and remaining challenges and the tools we have today to address them. Alice Sylvester (Partner, Sequent Partners) and John Young (SVP, Audience Analytics Solutions, MediaHub) moderated 3 insightful discussions with a group of industry experts Allyson Dietz (Senior Director, Marketing Solutions, Neustar), Vijoy Gopalakrishnan (Chief Research Officer, iSpotTV), Stephen Williams (CEO, Marketing Evolution), Karen Chisholm (Director, Analytics Transformation, Pernod Ricard), Sophie McIntyre (Ads Research Lead, Meta), Sunil Soman (VP, Campaign Effectiveness, Warner Brothers Discovery, Chair of the Attribution Working Group), and Emily Weishaupt (Communications Insights manager, Nestle Purina NA).