
How Managing Creative Attention for Brand Growth Can Drive Outsized Outcomes

Max Kalehoff of Realeyes discussed what can happen when you manage for creative attention to further bridge the gap between media and creative. Realeyes uses a model based on NCS’s model on contributors of campaign outcomes to calculate how media and creative attention lead to quality exposures and brand impact. Realeyes also leans into facial coding via webcam to measure human attention on video creative—how it is captured, retained and encoded. To apply the creative efficiency to a nominal CPM, Realeyes ran a simulation study of 42 YouTube ads across seven CPG cleaning brands. They found that creative efficiency determines up to 3X delta in quality exposure share. The study also identified what moves the needle on creative attention and efficiency in CPG.

Media Experiences That Are Meaningful to the Consumer

Parvati Vaish of Havas Media presented a yearly study they perform showing that 75% of brands would be forgotten if it were not for advertising. Brands that resonate outperform from a business standpoint. It is important to know your audience, be in the right context and give the right content. They need to be optimized and working together. More is not always more. Attention may help deliver outcomes more efficiently.

A Brand’s Perspective: Building a Measurement Strategy Around Attention Metrics

Marc Guldimann of Adelaide interviewed Laurel Van Tassel on Anheuser-Busch InBev’s use of attention metrics. Laurel said she sympathized with those who spoke during panel discussion about viewability. When she was with GoupM she said they were buying on viewability and the CPMs were very expensive. When she arrived at ABI they split their strategy into finding new users and retention. Their focus on attention began with the need for retention. “We knew if we wanted to start attention testing, we wanted to leave our creative and data strategies the same and only have media be the variable that we’re optimizing against.”

Attention is the Future of Cross Platform Measurement

TVision’s co-Founder & CEO Yan Lui gave a presentation about a linear regression study the company sponsored with Upwave to understand the relationship between attention and brand lift outcomes. They conducted the study from Q4 2019 – Q1 2022. One hundred large-scale analyses were performed across 43 different brands. Each was a high frequency campaign. TVIsion has camera-based computer devices in 5,000 homes (roughly 14,000 people)  so they can track their TV and CTV viewing.

Defining Attention and Measurement Standards

ARF President & CEO, Scott McDonald hosted a lively and provocative discussion on attention metrics, how valid they are and if they do in fact measure “attention” and predict outcomes. Marc Guldimann of Adelaide called these metrics fit for purpose. Dr. Duane Varan of MediaScience, however, noted that attention metrics do not measure what vendors are saying they do.


On June 7, 2023, attention economy experts came together in NYC to share case studies and participate in engaging discussions on the attention measurement landscape. Plus, attendees heard a recap of the issues debated at AUDIENCExSCIENCE and an update on Phase I of the ARF Attention Validation Initiative, an empirically based evaluation of the rapidly developing market for attention measurement and prediction.

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Do I Have Your Attention? Banner Blindness Tactics, Roadblock Ads and Influencer Cues

At this Insights Studio, speakers on four different continents presented their work published in the JAR, with common themes of attention and frequency. Two presentations focused on banner blindness tactics: one compared the effectiveness of personalization and extreme creative strategies, while the other showed how unexpected ads like pop-ups and floaters drive attention and shape attitudes. A study on roadblock advertising tackled the question: Is this attention-getting tactic worth the substantial cost? And lastly: effects of influencer disclosures over time within a framework of consumer skepticism. A lively Q&A discussion explored the roles of attention and inattention in creative and media, contextual nuances, frequency effects of roadblock advertising and influencer disclosures, differences in attention factors across cultures, and the need for more research overall in the area of attention.

Evidence-Based Research for Effective Marketing

On November 9, 2022, industry leaders joined us to share highlights from EffWorks Global 2022 — a week-long celebration of the best new thinking and evidence-based decision-making research for marketing effectiveness. Topics of discussion included: marketing in the post-Covid economy, effective advertising in unprecedented times, the value of Share of Voice/Share of Attention/Share of Search in terms of effectiveness and commercial decision making, and more.

Attention and Engagement Data Provide Insight into Subscriber Behavior Trends

Yan Liu of TVision highlighted a fresh study to be published in a month or so, illustrating the relationship between attention and churn on SVOD and AVOD platforms. TVision partnered with Antenna who track audience trends and their impact on subscription rates, for the study. Cross-referencing Antenna’s 2021 churn data with TVision’s aggregated platform data (from Apple TV, Discovery+, Disney+, Hulu, Netflix Paramount and Peacock), they found an inverse correlation between the top 50 shows and the churn rate. As attention increases, churn decreases and vice-versa. The popularity of any one platform varies month-by-month, depending on what popular content has been released where. When a popular original debuts, viewers gravitate toward it. But low attention viewers drop off once they’ve finished the series. Churn is the norm and unfortunately not an easy issue to solve in the near-term. However, co-viewing and live CTV content like Amazon Prime Video’s Thursday Night Football lessen churn.

Audi Switzerland Integrates Attention Metrics & AI into Programmatic Bidding to Drive Business Outcomes

Zach Kubin of Adelaide began the session by explaining how reach has become increasingly fragmented. Digital, viewability and ACR tell an incomplete story, which makes it difficult to assess the quality of the media brands are buying. Adelaide combines all the available metrics into their own algorithm, which they call the Attention Metric (AU). Filip Pujic of Audi gave details from the car company’s use case, where it integrated AU using Adelaide’s algorithm into programmatic bidding, driving positive business outcomes. Audi will conduct a follow-up study to validate the results they have received.