ad fraud

Tips to Reduce Click Fraud

 The Interactive Advertising Bureau reported that bots made up 36% of Internet traffic in 2014, which indicates that invalid clicks are wasting the ad budgets of many firms. Rich Kahn, writing for MarketingProfs, provides tips for avoiding click fraud and the related spending losses.

-Closely track campaign data in real time and investigate any unusual activity in traffic or other metrics.

-Accurate targeting to consumers based on location, behavior, and interests makes the message more visible to more consumers and fewer bots.

-Consider engaging a click fraud specialty firm to help establish what type of traffic is visiting the sites on which you advertise.

-Although no laws have yet been passed, click fraud issues and botnet theft have a high profile with legislatures.

This article suggests that these tips can help rescue marketing budgets from click fraud.

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Media Buyers Can Fight Ad Fraud

Timur Yarnall, writing for comScore, discusses how media buyers can help to fight ad fraud.

Ad fraud, transparency, and NHT (non-human traffic) have become critical issues for both media buyers and sellers.

Media buyers can push for transparency and high-quality inventory.  Yarnall points out three main reasons media buyers should take an active role on these issues:

-To protect client relationships. Media buyers need to show verified results in order to justify their recommended and executed digital campaigns. CMOs and CFO must be able to trust the results of these campaigns.

-To protect the budgets allocated to digital. Campaign metrics must be considered valid in order justify continued spending on digital media.

-To protect the quality and transparency of the media buying industry

Failing to address the issues of viewability, NHT, and ad fraud will negatively impact the digital ecosystem.


See all 5 Cups articles.

For more on this topic, check out the Media Tab in Morning Coffee.