Knowledge at Hand

A quick reference for information on a wide range of industry subjects from fundamental to leading edge.

KAH: 2nd Annual ARF Privacy Study

Several data breaches grabbed headlines in 2019. This year has been one of the worst for such breaches, according to Risk Based Security—a cyber security analysis firm. Over 3,000 breaches were reported through the end of June, exposing 4.1 billion records. Even though the vast majority of such breaches had a low to moderate severity score, anxiety-inducing headlines may have affected Americans view on privacy. Read More.

KaH: Brand Safety

Advertising has always been part of the cultural zeitgeist. But today, brands must always be aware of social issues. This is due to the breakneck speed at which social media and online platforms move. The cost of ignorance can be swift and severe. Negative brand adjacency doesn’t just damage a brand’s reputation. It can have a direct impact on its bottom line as well.  Read More.

Commercial Length & Ad Effectiveness

Proclaiming that one commercial length is “more effective” than another oversimplifies this relationship. Research shows that telling an engaging and motivating brand story, as well as aligning the message with the campaign situation and desired objectives, have far more influence on ad effectiveness than creative length. Compelling, effective advertising comes in all sizes, from five seconds to a few minutes. Also, creative and placement factors affect ads differently by length. Ultimately, ad length matters but the relationship is clearly nonlinear.  Read more.

Marketing to Hispanics

Marketers have become increasingly aware of how important it is to understand the characteristics and dynamics of the Hispanic market – the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population. But what are the Hispanic segment’s media behavior and ad receptivity? Read more.

The OTT Revolution

The accelerating pace of digital disruption is transforming the TV industry, giving consumers more choices and ways to view programming than ever before. What’s the impact on the industry? What new tools does OTT offer marketers?  Read more.

KaH: Native Advertising — The What, Why and How

Today, platforms such as PC’s and smartphones make it possible to reach consumers with print, audio, and video messages in new ways. So, how do we define the ad forms usually referred to as “native,” and what are the best practices? This Knowledge at Hand on native advertising explores answers to these questions and offers a recommendation for marketers going forward.
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Get the Intel on Artificial Intelligence

Some say Artificial Intelligence is a broad field that includes everything from simple if-then rules for playing Checkers to complex ensembles of deep neural networks for piloting autonomous vehicles. In marketing, AI is a term that is applied to several very different techniques and functions. However, the bigger questions are: how do you best implement AI and what are the commercial solutions?  Read More.

KaH: Can Context Make Advertising More Effective?

Does advertising context affect consumers’ perceptions and response to the advertising? If so, how does context affect ad performance? Ignoring context, whether it’s a message adjacent to an ad, the media platform/brand, the device, or when the ad is delivered, can be risky. In fact, context is likely to impact ad performance – positively or negatively – as six decades of research show. Read More.

KaH: Television Advertising Wearout

TV advertising wearout has bedeviled marketers for decades. At what point does a TV ad lose its potency? Or the reverse – how much media weight is needed before a TV ad starts to wear in and impact the business? Does it vary by category? No matter the outcome, it’s key to remember is that while individual commercials may fade, a strong advertising strategy rarely loses its luster.  Read More.

KaH: When Brands Go Dark

The decision to scale back or eliminate the advertising budget is never easy for marketers and to “go dark” can have various causes, from a broad economic recession to narrower industry or company-specific revenue or growth challenges. Whatever the cause, “going dark” has both short- and long-term implications. Read More.