This event, the first hosted by the Pharma Council, explored the evolution of the patient journey to vaccination, the public conversation about COVID vaccination, and research on how vaccination hesitancy can be addressed across distinct segments of the U.S. population.
Speakers also discussed what behavioral science has taught us about this vaccine rollout and overcoming vaccine hesitancy.
Topics covered:
- Setting the Context: The Patient Journey to Vaccination
- The Current Environment: Public Acceptance of the COVID-19 Vaccines and How it Differs for Different Sub-Populations
- Addressing Current Attitudes from the Lens of Behavioral Science
Eileen Barrett, MD, MPH, FACPAssociate Professor of Medicine
Director of GME Wellness Initiatives at the University of New Mexico
Robert DuboffPartner
Kelly LundquistVP, Director of Insights
Havas Media
Charysse NunezInsights and Strategy Consultant
The Ad Council
Mitesh Patel, MD, MBADirector, Penn Medicine Nudge Unit and Associate Prof & Physician