November 13, 2024 | 9:00AM - 5:30pm | NYC| In-PERSON & LIVESTREAM

Call for Content

We are considering a number of topics for the 2024 event and are calling for case studies, experimental results, or empirically determined best-practices that can be linked to business success. Each must be addressed diligently, from the end-user perspective – no sales pitches. Only proposals that include participation by end-users will be considered.

2024 Topics INCLUDE

How is artificial intelligence transforming marketing analytics?
  • Are AI-driven applications improving the effectiveness and speed of data acquisition and quality control; is it opening up the use of more unstructured data?
  • Do models using AI techniques (e.g. neural networks, deep learning) solve legacy modeling challenges and provide new capabilities?
  • Are AI techniques making insights more actionable and accessible (e.g. more accurate forecasts, more effective optimizations)?
  • Is AI impacting the marketing analytics professional’s role in the marketing organization and the flow of insights throughout the organization and its marketing partners, considering changes in factors like speed, latency, frequency, granularity of insights and especially opening unmediated access to insights for non-technical marketers)?
  • Do the rewards outweight the risks? Risk considerations could include algorithmic bias, the challenges of adoption and the shock of markedly different model results. Reward consideration could include improved productivity, cost-efficiency, speed, less reliance on historical data and more focus on the future, new ways to drive the business such as outcome guarantees for media.
What solutions are proving effective in this challenging privacy-first environment?
  • How will attribution overcome its data challenges:
    • Audience cohorts?
    • Contextual targeting?
    • Geographic markets?
    • New identity solutions?
  • How can MMM adapt to deliver:
    • Audience-led strategies?
    • Tactic granularity at the activation level, including tactics of growing importance such as influencers/endorsers, sponsorships, consumer experiences, and the like?
    • Creative evaluation?
    • Path to purchase, consumer journey, sequential analyses of any sort?
Is marketing analytics improving its ability to support business building and growth, via:
  • Variables like customer lifetime value in an audience led strategy?
  • Full-funnel analyses considering synergies/interactions among tactics at all levels from branding to conversion?
  • Measurement of long-term effects and trading-off long-versus short-term returns?
How can analytics bridge the increasing number of walled gardens? Considering:
  • The growth in legacy digital media
  • The transition of television to streaming
How has analytics grown to more completely integrate externalities?
  • Is there evidence of the changing contribution of factors like social sentiment, trends, futures, regulatory and corporate policy (e.g. DEI, ESG and data privacy and security), climate change, global conflict?
  • How accessible, granular, accurate and predictive are these factors?
Where is industry action needed?
  • Is there a role for data standardization, data governance around quality, security, transparency and privacy and data organization such as definitions, taxonomies and formats?
  • NOTE: this topic will be the one exception to our rule requiring brand case studies. Given the forward-looking nature of this topic, it will be better addressed by papers advocating for or against industry or government action.  If this topic is included in the Accelerator program, the papers will be discussed by their authors in an in-depth panel discussion and distributed to attendees following the event.


Send your submission to:
Alice K. Sylvester ( and Jim Spaeth (

Please include:
• The topic your paper addresses
• Title
• Brief Description
• Presenters, including a brand or other end-user (name, company, title)

Nicole Whitlow

Global Head of Consumer Insights, KitchenAid Small Appliances, Whirlpool

Danan Ren

SVP, Client Insights & Go-To-Market Enablement, Comscore

Ryan Williams

Vice President, Client Insights, Comscore

Kelley VanderSloot

Head of Omnichannel, Ocean Spray

Michael Ellgass

EVP Global Media, CPG and Retail, Circana

Monica Longoria

Head of Marketing Insights, LG Ad Solutions

Raymond R. Burke

E.W. Kelley Professor of Business Administration Indiana University, Kelley School of Business

Erin Mitten

Analytics Manager, Arc Worldwide

E. J. Schultz

News Editor, Ad Age

Stephanie Pegler

eCommerce/omnichannel Marketing Director, PepsiCo

Jaclyn Williams

Research & Insights Manager, North America & Global Functions, TikTok

Brett R. Gordon

Professor of Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

Jaime Martin

Managing Director, Commerce at GroupM's Mindshare

Bharath Gaddam

Founder and CEO,

Caroline Liu

Head of Insights & Analytics, Walgreens Advertising Group

Brendan Light

Global Head of Virtual Experiences, Ipsos

Keith Smith

Research Director, MSI

Earl Taylor

Chief Knowledge Officer, MSI

Scott McDonald, Ph.D.

President & CEO,

Paul Donato

Chief Research Officer, ARF


9:00-10:00amRegistration and Breakfast



Opening Remarks 

Scott McDonald, Ph.D. – President & CEO ARF

 Overview of Attention Phase II Findings and Attention Survey Results
& Preview of Phase III
 Discussion & Feedback from Attention Phase II

Universal Guide to Attention, Emotion, Persuasion and Memory in Advertising




FOX/BHC/Wharton Neuro Study


Standards for Media Measurement Products


Presentations by Adelaide, eye square, Mediaprobe, Meta, Snap, Viomba


Closing Remarks

Scott McDonald, Ph.D. – President & CEO ARF

4:35-6:00pmCocktail Reception




The Most Important Developments in Marketing Analytics

Join us on June 26, as Sequent Partners, with their panoramic perspective on the most important developments in marketing analytics, analyze the most disruptive and revolutionary analytic applications and techniques impacting our world.


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