The second installment of the ARF Cultural Effectiveness Council’s Navigating the Messy Middle series — which focused on the workplace experiences and strategies of mid-career professionals from diverse communities — hosted two successful executives who have developed their careers in the advertising and media industries. Learn about the challenges they have faced, how they overcame them and their advice for navigating your own “messy middle.”
As we enter 2021, conversations about diversity, equity and inclusion are front and center for companies large and small, with mandates to do better not just when it comes to the audiences we target, but in terms of creating truly inclusive and equitable workplaces where diverse talent can grow, contribute, and thrive.
Diverse employees and executives have had to learn to develop their careers while navigating racism, sexism, homophobia, and ablism—and often the intersectionality of multiple “isms” at once. This event offered a platform for open dialogue about the changes that need to take place to make our workplaces more inclusive.
The event provided: