Tracking Social Conversations to Enhance Native Content
Kevin Lowe, NewsWhip and Geeta Patel, Golin
Member Only Access
Ten of the largest news outlets have witnessed 2.3x to 6x increases in Facebook engagement with their sites over the past three years. Native content has become a key source of this engagement. Audiences expect high quality content from publishers and brands, alike.
NewsWhip outlined how they have developed analytics and algorithms to help publishers and brands alike take advantage in this growth of native content. By tracking historical social data, monitoring important stories, and distributing content through key media lists, NewsWhip has helped brands like MasterCard understand the social media conversation and leverage that to increase brand visibility.
Golin shared an additional case study of work done for Hebrew National and the latest indulgent craze, ice cream donuts. Golin tracked conversations about hot dogs and ice cream donuts, forecast future activity, and helped their clients leverage their content to help make these existing conversations go viral.