JAR Insights Studio Author Bios:
Mark Kilgour (mark.kilgour@waikato.ac.nez) is a senior lecturer of marketing in the Waikato Management School at the University of Waikato in New Zealand. Over the past two decades, Kilgour’s career has included private consultancy in Southeast Asia and Australasia. His research focuses on creativity and innovation, social media and omnichannel retailing.
Duane Varan (varan@mediasciencelabs.com) is CEO of the research firm MediaScience, and he oversees Beyond :30, a collaborative industry project exploring the changing media landscape. Formerly a professor of marketing at Murdoch University, Varan was awarded the Australian Prime Minister's University Teacher of the Year.
Sara Rosengren (sara.rosengren@hhs.se) is the Ica Retailers’ Professor in Business Administration at the Stockholm School of Economics, and heads the school’s Center for Retailing. Her research focuses on the intersection of consumer behavior, advertising and retailing.
Harlan E. Spotts (hspotts@wne.edu) is professor of marketing in the College of Business at Western New England University, where he teaches marketing analytics, campaign planning and marketing management. His research interests focus on issues related to advertising, publicity, social media and marketing communications.
Marc G. Weinberger (marcw@isenberg.umass.edu) is professor emeritus in the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and visiting research scholar in the Grady College at the University of Georgia. His work has explored the impact of bad publicity, and his advertising research explores the use of humor and other message devices.