Do you ask Alexa from your smart speaker to purchase items for you? Research shows that voice-activated, AI-enabled devices are becoming increasingly important for online retailers. They can increase search and even purchase, especially among younger consumers and for categories of high purchase frequency or low substitutability. Rather than cannibalizing other channels, use of such devices creates positive spillover, since shopping is integrated into other, consumer routines.
At ARF’s May 12th Insights Studio, “Media Targeting: A Brave New World,” we heard what Real Chemistry, a healthcare-specialist technology and innovation company is doing to extrapolate consumer behavior data -- along with de-identified health and drug data and other real-world information -- into marketing insights and action. They were joined by Walgreens, who shared how they are reaching consumers responsibly and precisely.
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In this thought-provoking salon series event, attendees got to know the inner workings of the Gen Z mindset from four professionals and one NYU student. The conversation lead to some surprising places. Speakers talked about how COVID-19 affected their work and lent advice to the younger members of their generation. They talked about the need to be authentic and to personalize ads and make them relevant to users, especially in the social media space, and even gave insights into the online shopping behaviors of this, our most tech savvy generation. Editor’s Note: The full summary is available to members only.
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Navigating the Messy Middle: Multicultural Conversations on Handling the Hard Stuff – Particularly During a Crisis
This virtual Salon, hosted by the ARF Cultural Effectiveness Council was moderated by Janelle James, Qualitative Research Director, Kantar. Janelle was joined by Kendra Clarke, Vice President of Data Science and Product Development, sparks & honey, and Ola Mobolade, Founder at COCO and Co-author of “Marketing to the New Majority”.
Editor’s Note: The full summary is available to members only.
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